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Finally getting what he deserves


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This week a status quo will go into effect. My Husband has found out that after he has to start paying me 250 a week while i am still living in the house he will not have enough left over for the bills. The Judge has ordered him to sell his Harley Davidson and possibly put the house on the market. He was supprised to find out that everyhting I had been telling him was now coming true. He thought he was just going to kick me out on my butt with a couple of snowmobiles to try to sell and live on. He thought he was going to run the show and get everything he wanted. It gives me great satisfaction that the rude awakening I told him he was in for is now coming true. After 22 years of marraige he found a new girlfriend and thought he could just toss me and my son away like garbage. Thank god for the courts and divorce laws!!! He has been crying to his family about the situation and they have all told him he is getting what he deserves. I think my father in law put it best, he loves his son but he feels he is not the sharpest crayon in the box!!!

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That is good news that things are moving forward. Be careful not to gloat to much. The high road will serve you much better.

Far to many in this country never pay the consequences for their actions and that is why there is so much selfihness everywhere. They think there is no downside. Unfortunately your stbx is learning this at you and your son's expense.

It will be nice when you have everything settled and know where you stand.


Best wishes


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That is good news that things are moving forward. Be careful not to gloat to much. The high road will serve you much better.

Far to many in this country never pay the consequences for their actions and that is why there is so much selfihness everywhere. They think there is no downside. Unfortunately your stbx is learning this at you and your son's expense.

It will be nice when you have everything settled and know where you stand.


Best wishes



Not only in the US, but everywhere, selfishness is an epidemic...so many poeple are just so inward focused they don't care what they do to the next person....it is all about greed, power, lack of responsibility and lack of conscience.

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I have read your other threads and I am really sorry that you are going through a painful divorce.


I can understand the closure and relief you must feel to know that at the legal level, justice has been served and he can't just walk away from his marriage and child because he decided to find a new GF in a selfish pursuit.


However, I agree with lostandhurt that you have to be careful with how you handle the news. Yes, it is good news that he will need to support his son and split things fairly, but be careful not to let anger and a feeling of revenge consume you because it just means that he still has a hold on you. I agree with taking the "high road", even if you have to fake it right now.


Be very careful about how you handle the divorce in front of your son as well. I hope that now that you know that you and your son will be financially "ok" that you will be able to find some peace and that the divorce will be a little less devastating.


You also must be prepared to face a scenerio in which his new GF (who must be shallow to date him knowing he is married in the first place) dumps him because he is not able to wine and dine her as much now. If that happens and he comes crawling back to you.....what would you do?

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do you realize how ridiculous your title is


It all comes from the same pot


Let me ask you...how long will you let him go hungry and find satisfaction in it??


it is all so illogical and all comes down to ego and cooperation people need to leave the power trip behind

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I understand what everyone is saying about not gloating and taking the higher road. Maybe I should have put it another way,instead of saying he is getting what he deserves, I should say he is finally being held responsible for his actions. And for the person who thinks he will be starving. Once he gets rid of the 1200 house payment and the 400 Harley payment he will be fine. He can't afford what he has now that he found out he has to be responsible for his family he is trying throw away. If the women did happen to dump him after he doesen't have all his toys and nice house, no I would never take him back. There is no trust anymore and with all the damage he has done to the family I will never forgive him.

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My words were just for a reminder. I don't think you will go to the dark side but you never know. LOL

Our egos can have a very bad influence on us if not kept in check. I really think no one deserves anything in reality. If you are a good person and treat others well it comes back to you because you earned it. If you are a selfish jerk it hopefully comes back to you because, once again you earned it. Your stbx earned everything he is and will be getting. Unfortunately for him it will be all bad, fortunately for you the divorce will be over one day and you will be able to live with no regrets.


Best wishes


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