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I am heartless.


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Friday night, i cheated on my girlfriend of 8 months. Me and my girlfriend have the BEST relationship, and i can honestly say i am the happiest i have ever been when i am with her.


BUT.. the past couple of months, ive been having feelings for another girl. And sexual dreams about her nearly every night along with other dreams of infidelity. I can't quite decide whether these are feelings of lust or love!

So friday night, i stupidly texted her asking what she was up to that night (we are close friends, i wasn't planning to act on my feelings that night) Turns out she was having a party at her house that night, obviously intending to get drunk. So we are absolutley wasted (im not using this as an excuse, i knew what i was doing) and we were on the bed talking. Then one thing led to another and we both leaned in and kissed. She was quite obviously up for more with her hands all over me, i resisted at first but then ended up pulling up her top and kissing her there. I knew i would regret it in the morning, but while i was kissing her, i just got lost in it and forgot about everything.


The thing is, i WOULD honestly tell my girlfriend about this if we just kissed. But we didn't just kiss, it was abit more than that. I feel terrible, i feel sick with guilt, i can't even eat and thats not normal for my appetite! I HATE myself for doing this to my girlfriend, she is amazing and does not deserve this at all. I need my girlfriend so much and im terrified of losing her, this is why i can't tell her. I know i will NEVER do it again.


I don't actually know why i have written this on here, i just need to let this out! I can't talk to my friends about it cos im too ashamed.

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Friday night, i cheated on my girlfriend of 8 months. Me and my girlfriend have the BEST relationship, and i can honestly say i am the happiest i have ever been when i am with her.


Can't be that great if there was no self control - sorry you weren't thinking of her when you did this.


If you feel ashamed and guilty, fess up. You'll see how great your relationship is with her if she can forgive you.


Lessons to be learnt here. Good luck with that.

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Don't say anything. I'm surprised I'm saying this. I used to have the opposite philosophy. As long as you're sure you'll never do this again. Don't say anything unless there is a way she might find out. I lost my husband when I overreacted to finding perfume on his shirts when I came back from being away. I wish I had never found that and just done the damn laundry without noticing. I threw him out and would much rather be with him now, even if he had cheated on me. Ignorance was truly bliss. Something great was ruined because of a stupid short-term pleasure. I would give so much to have my husband back.

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If I was your girlfriend...mmm I would probably let this one instance slide...maybe. But ever again, that's it.

I am kind of thinking don't tell her, but if you are still 'dreaming' about this other girl, then there IS an issue and you should tell her

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Can't be that great if there was no self control - sorry you weren't thinking of her when you did this.


If you feel ashamed and guilty, fess up. You'll see how great your relationship is with her if she can forgive you.


Lessons to be learnt here. Good luck with that.


I agree. This also struck me:

I need my girlfriend so much

Why do you NEED your girlfriend. It sounds like you are dependent on her and can't live without her....you want her around for your purposes and yet you thought nothing of setting the stage for cheating. You could have chosen to not go, given your feelings, but you chose every step of the way...which suggests that you did go with the intention of testing the waters and see what would happen. Your gf has a right to know that you played her false...because generally these things eventually come out and the longer it is kept a secret, the worse it will be when it comes out. The long-term secrecy often does more damage than the actual cheating.

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Don't tell her. No good would come out of it. If you tell her she will seek revenge or she will stay then detach emotionally leaving you to sink on your own later on.


1 don't tell her


2 if the other girl tries to backstab you..deny what happen and take it to grave.


Really?! Is this sarcastic, or is that what you would want from your SO, if they cheated on you?

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