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1-3 beers a night.

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One of my things that i do every night is have some booze wether it be 1-3 beers or a glass of wine. Other nights i would have a hot chocolate, use to be 2 now just one.


Anyways i'm woundering what effects 1,2, or 3 beers a night have an effect on the human body. Also i'm trying to diet and i know this aint helping ](*,)

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1 beer a night is healthy. It's said to help with cardiovascular disease (I think that's the right disease). Anyways, 3 beers definitely isn't helping your diet. I'd say 3 may be a little much and can be detrimental to your health (liver, heart etc.) if you do it nightly. I'd say try to keep it more on the 1, rather the 3, and you should be fine.

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1 beer a night is healthy. It's said to help with cardiovascular disease (I think that's the right disease). Anyways, 3 beers definitely isn't helping your diet. I'd say 3 may be a little much and can be detrimental to your health (liver, heart etc.) if you do it nightly. I'd say try to keep it more on the 1, rather the 3, and you should be fine.


This is a lie. Beer is bad for you. Red wine (1 glass a night) is said to help with cardiovascular disease.


Beer will make you fat and kill brain cellsss. Thou shall save thy brain cells!

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Bella - Most people who get fat off of beer is mainly cause they eat fast food, burgers, pizza and so forth. Cause i've drank alot of beer and stayed away from the fatty foods and i'm at the same weight.


As for the drinking of all wrong reason well when i do get stressed and need to go to sleep i would one night slam back a few till i get really hammerd. I don't get buzzed or enough for me to stop the worry or whatever is bugging me.

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Actually bella, it is true.


Beer as Part of a Healthy Diet

Drinking one beer per day may be good for your health.Enjoying that one beer per day has been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Why? Some experts suggest these reasons:


* The folate found in beer may help to reduce homocystiene in the blood and lower homocystiene levels mean a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

* Lab studies have found constituents in beer that lower triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol in mice.

* Drinking one beer per day reduces blood clotting so some studies found that cardiovascular patients who drank one beer per day also lived longer.


Other studies have found that women who consume one beer each day have improved mental health. Drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages in moderation may also improve bone density.

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This is a lie. Beer is bad for you. Red wine (1 glass a night) is said to help with cardiovascular disease.


Beer will make you fat and kill brain cellsss. Thou shall save thy brain cells!


What they don't mention is that it's not really wine, but the grapes. Drinking one glass of grape juice every day will give the same effect.

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What they don't mention is that it's not really wine, but the grapes. Drinking one glass of grape juice every day will give the same effect.



This sounds about right. People need to be aware that the folks conducting these scientific studies are probably all alcoholics and they're looking for ways to scientifically justify their drinking.


People will always try to justify the things they like, no matter what they are.

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Bella - Most people who get fat off of beer is mainly cause they eat fast food, burgers, pizza and so forth. Cause i've drank alot of beer and stayed away from the fatty foods and i'm at the same weight.


As for the drinking of all wrong reason well when i do get stressed and need to go to sleep i would one night slam back a few till i get really hammerd. I don't get buzzed or enough for me to stop the worry or whatever is bugging me.


As you get older, the metabolism slows down...drinking that much beer each day when you are 40 will probably give you the classic beer belly. At any rate, 1-3 beers every night is excessive...never mind potential weight gain, but from the standpoint of being dependent on alcohol. You should really work on cutting down your alcohol consumption to one beer a night and then ultimately one beer every few days.

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Actually bella, it is true.


Beer as Part of a Healthy Diet

Drinking one beer per day may be good for your health.Enjoying that one beer per day has been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Why? Some experts suggest these reasons:


* The folate found in beer may help to reduce homocystiene in the blood and lower homocystiene levels mean a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

* Lab studies have found constituents in beer that lower triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol in mice.

* Drinking one beer per day reduces blood clotting so some studies found that cardiovascular patients who drank one beer per day also lived longer.


Other studies have found that women who consume one beer each day have improved mental health. Drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages in moderation may also improve bone density.


This all may be true; however, none of the benefits you have stated are due to the alcohol content. If one is drinking for the health benefits, there are several healthier options.

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All alcohol is poisonous. From the moment it goes in your mouth it starts destroying your internal organs. I saw a science show a few weeks back and they had real hearts brains a liver for a comparison.

The healthy organs were coloured red pink. Thw alcohol organs were enlarged and a grey colour like they were dying. The heart was huge and apparently diseased from alcohol. Red wine is said to be good but has alcohol.

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Heart damage from a heart attack has been shown to be significantly reduce the damage as the white blood cells normally move onto dead heart tissue but normally kills the adjacent healthy heart tissue. Red wine stopped white blood cells sticking to the healthy tissue and therefore it was not attacked by them and recovery was better.

I had heart damage and took the risk ..drank a tad of red wine and was later checked there was no visible heart damage...true.

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As you get older, the metabolism slows down...drinking that much beer each day when you are 40 will probably give you the classic beer belly. At any rate, 1-3 beers every night is excessive...never mind potential weight gain, but from the standpoint of being dependent on alcohol. You should really work on cutting down your alcohol consumption to one beer a night and then ultimately one beer every few days.


Well i'm only 21 and there are people who drink far worse and are fine, but yeah i see your point older you get the more your body breaks down. I can go without beer its just when its in the house i can't help myself.

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If you enjoy both beer and wine, why not just stick to the one glass of red wine? Honestly I'm not sure of the health benefits of beer despite all the debating here, but I have DEFINITELY heard from other sources that one glass of red wine is ok.


It seems like (at least in my group of friends) it's more typical that if you have one beer, you will have at least one or two, or three more. But I don't know anyone that drinks red wine with the intent of having several more & getting drunk. To me, beer seems like a "partying alcohol" where red wine seems more like something you have with dinner. Maybe you will be more inclined to have more beer if you only have one, where if you have one glass of red wine you will be more inclined to stop at that point.


I'm not sure of the exact caloric content of beer, but I'm going to guess that a can of beer has 100-150 calories. Multiply that by 3 beers a day, and you're consuming an extra 300-450 calories each day, which works out to 2100- 3150 calories a week. That's an entire DAY'S worth of extra calories you are consuming each week. This will undeniably have an affect on your weight if the rest of your diet stays the same, whether it be making you gain weight or inhibiting you from losing it.

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First.. beer has a lot of calories. I'll have a beer once every few weeks for social things (ie: this past Wednesday with my team after hockey), but even that bothers me a bit as its so many wasted calories.... they could have been used for something far more delicious


Second.. having 1-3 beers every night is a habit, and habits are generally considered bad. I used to munch on cookies every day after dinner... same deal... glad I stopped.


Overall, with your age, etc.. I wouldn't say it's that big of a deal apart from making it pretty tough to get in or stay in shape... you're basically handicapping yourself by doing it.

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Additional health note regarding alcohol for those exercising:


Your body consumes fuel/energy by going for the easiest first. In order of preference, it will consume:


- Alcohol

- Simple, Refined Sugar

- Other simple carbs

- Complex Carbs

- Protein

- Dietary Fat

- Body Fat


Obviously we want Body Fat consumption to be maximized. Now, this ordered list is not exhaustive, step-to-step... your body doesn't need to consume ALL carbs you've eaten before it starts burning body fat.. this is just the preferred/weighted order.


What this means is, by introducing alcohol to your diet (just like refined sugar), you lessen your workout's effect on burning body fat. The more supply you have of things higher up that list, the less consumption of lower-level items will result.

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One of my things that i do every night is have some booze wether it be 1-3 beers or a glass of wine. Other nights i would have a hot chocolate, use to be 2 now just one.


Anyways i'm woundering what effects 1,2, or 3 beers a night have an effect on the human body. Also i'm trying to diet and i know this aint helping ](*,)


Just Stop Drinking Alcohol.


Don't try to justify your road to alcoholism with the possibility that it *might* be healthy.


You KNOW when you wake up feeling groggy/hungover or in otherwise not tip top shape it is the alcohol that you consumed the night before - is that healthy? heck no. Is that productive? Nope.


Not to mention that alcohol inhibits your REM sleep. Contributing to cognitive issues you will have the following day.


Stop going against your own common sense.


If you want to drink then drink - but understand that its harmful and will not be a sustainable way to deal with issues.


Oh and the hot chocolate is fine - so long as you consider your calorie intake for the day.

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I'm not gonan stop drinking Alcohol, but i will cut down on it maybe once a week or two.


So heres my Q besides water what else could i have to drink for that midnight cravngs ? Milk i aint to big on, and juice there is, as much sugar in one glass as a can of soda.

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I'm not gonan stop drinking Alcohol, but i will cut down on it maybe once a week or two.


So heres my Q besides water what else could i have to drink for that midnight cravngs ? Milk i aint to big on, and juice there is, as much sugar in one glass as a can of soda.


G2 gatorade. It's a lot lower in calories than regular gatorade.

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This is a lie. Beer is bad for you. Red wine (1 glass a night) is said to help with cardiovascular disease.


Beer will make you fat and kill brain cellsss. Thou shall save thy brain cells!


It's not a lie. A lot of research has shown one drink a day (one beer considered a drink) is not shown to have any health risks and can actually have health benefits. Look it up.


Beer making you fat and killing brain cells is if it is abused or in excess. The problem is, over time how many people can only have ONE beer in a sitting? It usually leads to one more, then one more, and so on and so on.


I have actually read many articles as of late by credible authors that say one beer a day can actually have some benefit.

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