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hello every one who is willing to read this!! where do i start? ok 3 years ago i met this guy named joe , one of my sisters crushes/( make out buddy)well me and him began to be close friends and than one dayabout a year ago he told me thet he was moving to california , thats the night thet i realized thet i was in love with him , it came to my head before i never let myself think about it for to long at one time ( he was my sisters , right) well that night i thought the tears would never end , i was never gonna see him again . i didnt know what to do, i began to be very sad and didnt really talk to anyone anymore and i had to get this pain ezpressed some how so i began to write a journal (big mistake i know now) well a few months ago i found out ny sister read it . she knew everything , everythin thet she was never supossed to know. by this time i was over him ( or so i thought)a few months after she found out , guess who moved back to town?? yes he moved back and all those feeling came back with him.i try so hard to but them behind me and let go , but every thing reminds me of him. and i miss him soooo much.....than i ran into him at the store i was with my 4 sisters and mom and he was with his mom so we didnt get to talk , but i swear to god i thought i was gonna pass out , i could bearly keep my legs straight , my hands were sweating and shaking ,my head raced with all these thoughts and my heart started going faster and faster than i felt like i couldnt breath, i never thought i would ever say this or it would ever happen to me but he made me go weak in the knees...how do i let him go for good??? i keep telling myself if i could just have one more hug , i would be so happy than i tell myself just let go youll never have him and it just hurts so bad to know im so in love with him and he doesnt even know it...sometimes i find my self just staring off into space daydreaming about how it would have been if i would have betrayed my sister and found happiness for my self, cause now she happy with her new boyfriend and im still alone please help me any comment will be greatly thankful for




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A couple of things.


First of all, and very importantly, it was right to keep a journal. It's a very good thing to do, it lets you work through things in your head. I was a very good idea. You sister should NOT have read it, that is a betrayal of you in a way. It is your journal, your thoughts. Please don't stop writing your journal just because your sister read it once. Start another one, and make sure she doesn't find it. In fact, go to your mum, and tell her what happened the first time, and ask her to make sure your sister realizes what she did was wrong. Your mum will understand I think.


Also, tell your mum how you are feeling. It will help her understand. I am assuming you are quite young. Parents can be a lot more supportive than you give them credit for sometimes.


Does this boy you like have a girlfriend? You didn't say. It sounds like you assume you can't even talk to him, but never gave a reason why not. Is he your sister's current boyfriend? If not, then you're not betraying anybody be at least letting him know you are interested.


If he's in her past, then he'll stay that way for her. There's no reason in that case you can't talk to him.


Good luck.

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Ash is quite right. Keeping a journal is a good idea. Your sister should not have read it but my sisiter and I always used to read each others with little harm done. Sometimes it helped us to understand each other better. As to the boy, why cant you see him?

There seems to be no reason why you shouldnt have contact with this guy.

Make the effort to get in touch with him and at least resume your friendship. Your sister wont mind, he is not her boyfriend. I presume she is older than you? Is he much older? If he is about your age there is no earthly reason why you should not have contact with him and go out with him if that should develop.

Please reply and give more detail so i can help better

With love

Nenenz xxx

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im just so confused , becuase they did more than just kiss . yes hes in her past and i hope shes in his. the reason why everything seems so much harder and more confusing is because his birthday is coming up and so is the day i first met him and we have so many memories with him and i miss him , i lost contact with him should i try to reach him??? i know how but not sure if i should just try harder to just let go . i know i should take the risk but im so scared thet if i find him he will just ask for her that would just tear me apart . thanx for everything and i hope you will please help me

thanx again


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well even though he is your sister's past you shouldn't mess with him. there are so many other guys out there that havent dated your sister.. go find one of them. sister's should never date guys who their sisters went out with. those guys are just off limits. and put yourself in your sister's place would you like your sister to date one of your exes??? anywayz i know it's hard to get over a guy, but you could ruin your relationship or put a dent in your relationship with your sister, who will always be your sister. there is no guarantee that this guy will always be in your life so why mess anything up with your sister...


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Sorry 1Vanessa1, I disagree.

inanna, it sounds to me like you really like this guy. If you have these strong feelings for him, then start hanging out with him. Show him that you are interested. If you were friends before you can do it again. Then when it feels right, maybe you can go out. Relax, be yourself, he will like for that.


Good Luck.

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