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My girl friend is talking to her exboyfriend

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well my girlfriend and i have been going out for 3 months now. We are so deep in love but some times i wonder if she feels the same way i do. I ask her and she tells me how she feels. Let me make this quick she talks to this guy zack, she says that he makes her feel special zack is her exboyfriend she told me that their just friends. He told her how he felt towards her but she said sorry because she has me. the other day she was at a concert and she did not invite me but called zack and they met. when she called me that day i asked her where she was at i also heard him in the back round. then i hung up. when she came home she called me and i asked her who that was. She told me and i asked her if she was flirting with him thier was just silence. She then asked me if i was mad and i said no. Because i trust her but she hurts me so much when i know the radio is playing the song that he dedicated to her and she told me that he makes her feel special. I asked her if i did and she said yes. I not sure what to do because i love her so much.

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She is being very open and honest about zach with you , id take that as a very good sign.. Im sure she can be friends with and ex and it be only that.. And its alrite if he makes her feel special, friends have a way of doing that. Ive been going out with my bf for nearly 7 years and i have male friends that make me feel special, just in a different way. I wouldnt worry if i was you , she sounds pretty honest

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why didnt she ask u to go? ask her. i know how u feel. she shouldnt tell u that he makes her feel special that hurts. why would she do that. i think u should let her know how u feel and that it bothers you. have a talk and ask to meet him and that way there is nothing to hide. if she says NO then ???? her. try it but be nice to him if u meet. let me know what happens

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