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Today is not a good day

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I just need to get this out and hopefully i will feel better.


Apparently I am in this war with this girl at work and alot of crap is being said. Earlier this week she made some comments to my ex that made me so angry and what made it worse is that he didnt say anything to me about what she said, I had to hear it from someone else.


I decided that if he could talk about me with her behind my back I didnt want him as a friend. I came in the next day and he asked me if I was talking to him and I basically said no, a few miutes later I sent him an email trying to explain everything and tell him that i would still talk to him but he didnt respond. This morning he came in and spoke to everyone but me so I sent an email asking him if I should take this as him not speaking to me. I got a response telling me that what I did to him was not fair and that i should have confronted him with what I heard instead of getting angry and that I made the choice to not speak to him. Again I tried to explain and apologize to him and he hasnt responded to me.


The longer I sit here and think about the things he has done to me that were alot worse than this and I have stupidly forgiven him it just makes me angry. Most recently he told me he loved me and then disappeared for a week then to come back and tell me he shouldnt have told me that he loved me and that he was sorry he said it. That hurt me so much but I forgave him. I cant understand how he would remain angry about something as small as this.


Someone tell me I am not wrong. What do you guys think?

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Some people just live off the drama... the key is to recognize this and accept it.


Realize your feelings needed to be validated. If he is going to react that way then let him... you can't really stop him anyway.


Whats ONE really good reason.. and I mean good reason you want some guy to be your friend when he wants to mislead you about love like that?



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You are wrong in the sense that you care too much about what he is doing. He is your ex. Whether it was your choice or not to make him your ex, he is not a part of your life anymore. You got upset that he didn't tell you what was being said about you, but you forget that he is your ex, and technically has no obligation to you. He can do as he pleases.

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I cared because we were supposed to be friends, maybe that was my mistake friends would not react like this over something so small.


CatsMeeoow- I dont have a good reason to keep him as a friend. I accept too much crap from him. I dont like conflict so I try to avoidd it as much as possible.


I have a question for you guys; if he was just a friend and not an ex would I be wrong for caring that he was talking behind my back?

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I cared because we were supposed to be friends, maybe that was my mistake friends would not react like this over something so small.


CatsMeeoow- I dont have a good reason to keep him as a friend. I accept too much crap from him. I dont like conflict so I try to avoidd it as much as possible.


I have a question for you guys; if he was just a friend and not an ex would I be wrong for caring that he was talking behind my back?


No, of course you wouldn't be wrong - ex's or friends. But that is the thing - ex's seldom make good friends - not for a long long while after everything has subsided. Real friends don't talk behind your back because they respect you.

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