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hey, theres this girl that i like and im not sure if she likes me or not...she may. she always seems to flirt with me and stuff. shes always like yeah we need to hang out over the summer and stuff and summer vacation just started for me so theres still time for that but.. the other day she was going to her friend's lakehouse for a few days and shes still going to be there for a few days and i was just joking with her and i said now who am i going to talk to inbetween then and shes like i'll have my phone why dont you call me and she gave me her number and i gave her mine and shes like yeah you should most definitely call. and i was like ok. im gonna call her in a couple days that way it'll be right in the middle of her trip...i dont wanna call a bunch lol dont want to be a leech. but do you think i should ask her to go to a movie or something..do you think she likes me. because shes always flirting with me.. anyones thoughts are appreciated. thanks.

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What I can say to this one is that I think mabe she is flirting with you from your post,I think you should call her that is the only way you can see if she really does by her reaction to the call,Then once u conversate ask her to the movies or out to dinner,I dont think u calling her while on vacation is being a leech because she asked you to call,I would def ask her out and see how things go good luck

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i was thinking..and i'll try to come up with some more details..maybe you guys can better evaluate the situation.


-she wanted me to call her, she gave me her number and shes like KEEP IT FOREVA!


-when ever im talking to her on the instant messenger and she has to leave..shes always like lata handsome.


-she talks of going and doing stuff over summer. like the other day she was like if i was in town (she wasnt at the lakehouse here, she was at her dad's) i'd come pick you up and we'd go do something.


-on the last day of school she offered me a ride home from school and of course i accepted.


-she is like put ____(my name) loves ____(her name) on my profile on the instant messenger and stuff.


-she always seems to smile at me whenever we are talking face to face and she makes eye contact and laughs at a lot of the stuff i say even when its not all that funny.


-she came to one of my baseball games a few weeks ago and it was an away game..so she drove up there to see me play.


thats a few more details for you guys. maybe that will help.

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