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hi i am also 13, but i am a girl, i have never kissed, and i was i the same situation as you one, with my bf. we loved eathother, well what is love really, anyways we were really shy and i guess we wanted to make a move and i always wanted him to just lean over a kiss me, but he never did. another way to aprotch it would be to ask her "would it be okay if i kissed you?"

if you need anymore advice just post it and i will write to you


yours truly,

Maxi(a girl)

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well i don't really know how to tell you how to kiss someone. there is no right or wrong way to kiss someone. and if you haven't had much experiance then she will understand. you aren't born knowing how to kiss and do everything you learn, don't make it a bad learning experiance, it will evientually come. don't worry, also maybe you could go to some of the articuls on this page that will tell you about kissing and all. if you get on to enotalone and don't log in or go to the forms right away you go to the home page and scroll down to the bottom and there are all these articles to choose from. you need to go to the one labled sex and romanc and then it brings you to another page with options to choose from and you go to kissing and it will tell you diff. ways to kiss someone. but not trying to be bossy but if i were you i wouldn' t be looking at the other articles under that catogory unless it's kissing because you are too young and don't need to be worring about that yet, trust me it's a waste of your time. wait a few years k hun.


love QTpie87

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My good friend adam,

I would suggest going out with her to like a movie or something first. Then go on a hike to the eno river and have a picnic or maybe just sit in a romantic spot. Then just lean in to kiss her.lol

Your Friend,



(I hope Beni likes that)

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Well, firts off, I would say take it slow and keep it short and sweet. This is a little awkward for me heh. Imagining somebody my littlest sister's age kissing. Anyways, I would say your top priority is to make her feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. You could look into her eyes and try to read if she is feeling "ready" at that moment. If you think she is, slowly.. lean in towards her. If she pulls away, back off. If she stays still or leans forward as well you are good. Don't part your lips anymore then a very slight amount.. and keep it short and sweet. Just focus on how her lips feel.. or how she smells. Cute.



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