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alcohol is our problem!


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I am so down. My husband and i are headed for divorce. I went into treament back in 2008 and did very well for awhile. I ended up relapsing and am trying to get back into the sober world. The problem is that he drinks daily and with both of us drinking it has recently become very intense in our home. I don't want a divorce but he says that I am the problem. He will not see that we are both at fault. I don't know what to do but to stay at my mom's for a bit and help myself. Does anyone have any advice for this broken heart? :sad:

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This is eerie. My husband and I were both heavy drinkers until one night, we got into the biggest fight of our marriage. It was really terrible.


It was also a wake up call. Neither one of us has had a drop since, and we are much, much happier. I'm not sure what advice I can offer, but I implore you not to let it get to that point. You both need help to quit drinking or your marriage WILL fall apart.


If you can't get him to see that he needs help, then there's not a lot you can do. You need to at least get yourself healthy.

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I am really sorry. I have a different sort of perspective.

My dad went to rehab when I was a kid (up in MN) and he has been sober for... about 15+yrs. He when to AA all the time. I'm not sure if my mom went with him or not. But at the time my mother did not really drink that much and she was the one who forced him to go.

I think it's REALLY important that your husband goes to- you just can't have that stuff around, it's unfair. He needs to be willing to make the commitment. And it sounds like he probably has a problem too- not just a few drinks now and then.

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