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Comunicatioon problem

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Ive got enough problems to keep everyone here busy for some time. I thought it would be best to work on each problem seperatly and one at a time. Im startting here. My girlfriend and I have been going out for 3 months any we ge along very well. The problem s that we dont really talk. Its hard to explaine. It kindof feels like we dont need talk. I never worried about this before because I never worried tat I didnt understand her or vis versa. If we did need explaining we would until we both understand. Then after all the explanations were threw there was alwas this silence. I dont want to gush on her or anything it has to get annoying listening to someone go on and on about how they feel about you. And we share a lot of comen interest but no matter what we talk about it always falls short. We cant even fill an hour. This wouldnt bother me if it werent for an event that took place last weekend. A friend of ours had a "girls only" party which she has a lot but our friends older sister invited a bunch of boys. It sounds like the whole time they were there they were playing games like truth or dare and doing stupid stuff like stripping and flashing. This really doesnt bother me but what comes next did. After everyone went to bed my girlfriend stayed up all night and talked with some boy that wasat the party. If this isnt bad enough her parents are really cautious about letting her go out with me. We have only been out a few times because of this. Her parents probably didnt know that there would be boys at the party or that it would be unsupervised they probably only asked if i would be there and when she said no she was on her way. someone please help me. This problem is only minor to the endless amount of problems all related to her. I need group counciling. lol

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You need to talk to her about this..she's probably talking to other guys maybe because she is getting the attention or since you two don't talk she is getting this from someone else..


As for her parents being cautious about letting her go out with you..is there something you do or have done that makes them think that. More than likely its them just being a bit overprotective of their daughter..perhaps she is just now starting to date or something..


Hope that helps



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well... i feel stupid now. i got all worried about her being with other guys and when she saw that i was upset she worried about me and i realized how stupid i have been for not trusting her. (though i have plenty of reasons not to) like i said we have plenty of problems I also feel bad cause i wanted to see what people here said before i talked to her about it and i never told her what was going on... grade A moron right here

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok dont know if im allowed to do this (i got yelled at for breaking another forums unwritten rules) i have another prob that i dont think goes on this exact forum. lol i thought everything had worked out but soon after she gave me a note saying that she didnt want a long-term relationship and that i seemed like i did (which i did) then i talk to her about it and it seems like everything is ok again. now this past tuesday she broke up with me and said that she had probs to work out. i still talk to her a lot via AIM and she refuses to tell me whats going on. and now she says it has to do with me. someone say something please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have problems communicating with my gf because I don't speak the same language. Good thing you don't have that problem. It sounds like either you need to just be her friend still and lie low or try to make a move of some sort. you probably should wait though I don't think anyone should get into a relationship until you are 18. but that is my opinion.

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