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OK i have kinda alot to say but im not sure if i want to type it all.


neways here i go. My gf went out w/ this guy for a week (he dumped her after a week), then a couple months later they went out again (he dumped her after 2 weeks and it was on New Years Eve). I think she still likes him cuz i c the way they act around eachother. She hits him on the arm alot like he flexes and she hits him alot. Then today at our Youth Group i had to work it so i saw them together and she was dancing and hanging out w/ him the whole time. At the end I saw her being flipped by him, like over his shoulders. Im i over reacting here or should i be jealous about this. I have talked to her alot and we argue about it. He says that he doesn't like her, but he won't try to go out w/ neone else. Usually i call her after the youth groups and i asked her if she wanted me to call her tonight and she said no. Is there something going on. She tells me alot that she loves me and that she doesn't like him.


One time when i was online he sent me an IM and said that she said that she doesn't want to talk to him nemore cuz when shes around him and talks to him she starts liking him and that she loves me and wants to stay w/ me. But she hasn't stopped talking or hanging out w/ him. She just went to a show choir thing at a different school w/ him and his sister. His sister went off and he sat and hung out w/ my gf for a while. She promised me she would call me Thursday and Friday once it ended but she didn't. I got mad at her for that and accused her of liking him and not wanting to be with me nemore. She got obset for me saying that.


Heres my questions:

Am I over reacting here? I mean i love her to death. I want to keep going out w/ her. I just don't know what i should do. Should i get jealous about this? It really seems like somethings going on between them and they r trying to keep it a secret. Tonight when we said good bye she hugged him for like 2 min. And when he left I told he bye and she hugged me for a sec. and kissed me on the CHEEK. We like kiss on the lips whenever we say bye, hi, or whatever. neways what do u think about this? I could really use some opinions no matter what they r. Just whatever ur thinking. Let me have it. Cuz right now im feeling

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The best thing to do is have a heart to heart talk with her and find out if she still has feelings for this other guy. If she does, she's not being committed to you which isn't fair.


Sometimes holding on too tight will loosen the strength of a relationship. A relationship is based on trust and without this foundation, will detiorate. Follow your instincts as well and sometimes its better to let go.


Good Luck

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Yeah I agree with phaseone. It does seem to me that she likes BOTH of you though -- this can be good or bad. I'd talk with her and find out the truth. Maybe he's just a "guy" friend, and those can actually help a relationship (as long as there's no funny stuff going on).


- Chris

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Well i think your girlfriend likes you whe her and her x were going out but after he dumpd her she was sad so she got with you and she likes him still. You should get over her and break up with her. Cuz it seems like she wants to have aher cake and eat it to ya know what i mean. OKi well just in case you dont ill explain it. She likes you and her x so she wants to have both of you. I dont think your over reacting.You should be jealous. Hope my 2 cents helps

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