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Im 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. There are 3 girls i need to talk about. Girl #1 is the girl that i like. she is from Bosnia and was adopted here in the U.S. She is everything that ive always wanted in a girlfriend plus a sexy accent!!!!! The only problem i have with her is that she doesnt feel the same way about me that i feel about her. Girls #2 and #3 both like me but i dont like them. I wouldnt have a problem with this if they wouldnt hang all over me like they do. For instance i live in a small town and am in a sport all year round, im in school plays, FFA, NHS, choir, basically everything you can be in during high school. We just had our Choir concert so we had a party the next day and could do whatever we wanted to and i stayed up late the night before and decided to try and sleep so i was layin down and then one of them came and layed on top of me, i felt kinda weirded out by this and she finally got up and then the other girl came over and asked me to scoot over so she could lay down beside me and i found no harm in that as long as she didnt try anything. she didnt but she did keep me awake the hole time and the girl that i like was thinkin why the heck is she hangin all over him and why doesnt he do anything about it. (i told the girl that i like how i felt and that i didnt like these girls that hang all over me and she tells me to tell them to get off of me and i know i should but im afraid of hurting them because they are my friends.)


I really dont want to ask a girl out until i can drive because otherwise we really cant go anywhere and there would be no point.


What do you think i should do? should i tell #2 and #3 to get off of me, considering that the school year is almost over and i probably wont see them for a while and also considering that i would definitely hurt their feelings? should i ask the girl #1 out? (she can drive but im very chivalrish and would feel odd having the girl drive)


Also how would you tell them to get off of me and how would you ask the girl out if that is what you would do???????


PLEASE HELP...tell me what you think... THANKS

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