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I just need to write it out I guess. I feel really sad.


My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and it sucks. I know I need to keep busy but I'm finding it hard to meet new friends. Activities are pretty limited where I live and people are hard to get to know.


I don't want to be one of those people that "need" his or her significant other but I miss him terribly.


Anyone relate? Or offer some advice? At least tell me a funny joke?

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Perhaps find some clubs or activities in the area? How long have you been together/ how far apart are you two? I've been in 3 LDR's and unfortunately been on the dumpee side of each. I tried to maintain all of them but came out on the short side. As hard as it is, I can tell you that you need to keep busy establish a routine and live your life as you were your own person before the relationship. Just push yourself to do these things. I wish I did. Good luck...

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Don't try to avoid that feeling in your chest and stomach. Embrace and accept it. When you feel that pang and you need to cry or something, do it. Let it out and once you get it out, keep going on about your day. Do some thinking about stuff to formulate a prolonged acceptance because the mulling seems to create a larger buffer for this odd experience.


As for the friends and activities issue, well, I can't help you much there. Everyone will tell you to join clubs and do this, that, and whatnot with complete strangers. I've always found that doing this doesn't even help a lot because most of the time, if you're lucky enough to even have places to go to, the people there boil down to being that of a specific breed. For example, it's been my experience that going to ______ clubs allows you to socialize with people that can only have conversations about ______. It's like they lack the capacity to be somewhat independent with their life's subject matter...


Me: "So where you from?"

Person: *Cricket... Cricket...*

Me: "Do you go to school around here?"

Person: *Cricket... Cricket...*

Me: "So, how often do you _______ ?"



That's always been my experience and it eventually forced me into being a hermit. I'm not saying it's always like this, but it's been the rule rather than the exception. Otherwise, you wind up with having come into contact with people who have different values and principles--for me, this is another deal breaker.

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I feel blue too today, so hugs. I just want to crawl into bed with my teddy and a DVD, and suspect I will do so sooner rather than later. Sometimes it's best to just call it a day, and hope tomorrow's better!


Here are a few of the stupidest jokes I know - the elephant series.


How do you know there's an elephant in your fridge?






You see his footprints in the jello!!!!




How do you know there's an elephant in your bathtub?











You smell the peanuts on his breath!





Ha ha, my mother's favorite jokes. Most people don't really get them, but I think they're hilarious.


More seriously, making friends is hard, and takes time. And it's absolutely normal to miss your boyfriend.


Some activities are more social than others. What kinds of things are you involved in? Can you plan something fun for yourself this week-end to give yourself a little boost?


Taking a class at the gym can be a good way to cheer yourself up and make friends, although you'll probably have to make the first step and introduce yourself and be friendly.

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I understand completely. My boyfriend lives in England and today is one of those days for me where I just feel incredibly lonely. If you can't talk to him, why not write him a letter? A nice, old fashioned hand-written love letter. My boyfriend and I do that from time to time. It's a nice little surprise.


Otherwise, pop in something funny (I can't handle romance movies at the moment) and try to take your mind off of it.

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It was always a LDR since we first started going out but now he's away even further for school. I get to see him every 3 weeks or so.


I know it's not the end of the world and I still have a small group of good friends, but I like to keep really busy and it's been a slow month or so.


I guess I'm just having a bit of a pity party this week. I'm sure next week will be different as I'm starting a few new activities. I just feel really, really lonely and sad right now. I kind of also think it's a one way street since he's not communicating the same thing that I'm feeling. He says he misses me but I don't know...it seems like we miss each at different times? Not too sure if that makes sense.

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