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I don't care about her, but I'm still angry


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I broke up with my ex a month ago. We were together for about 2 years and over the summer we had some really bad problems. She was dishonest and went behind my back, and I gave her several undeserved chances. I gave her one final chance back in August, and stayed together up until last month. She really wanted to do everything right, and I just couldn't deny her. But I started to slowly realize that it was too late, I didn't feel the same way about her anymore. After all the things she did, it was just too much to forgive and get past. I was emotionally detached, I didn't love her anymore.


So, we broke up last month. I still don't love her, I don't care about her, I haven't even spoken to her. But I recently found out something that has just really upset me. My friend found a secret facebook account she made, so she could talk to her ex boyfriend in secret (the thing that had ruined our relationship in the first place). She made it after I had given her that final chance. I feel so angry now, its all I can think about. I feel so used. I don't care about her, yet I'm angry that she did this. It really hurts my pride, my confidence. The one person that loved me had no problem with lying to me and using me, over and over, after she was given undeserved chances. I feel like I have no value.

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norsewoman, they weren't exactly sexual. she would flirt with him and tell him how if she had to make a choice, she would leave me for him, he would call her beautiful, etc. not sexual, but definitely not acceptable.

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