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What clues do you give if you like someone?

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I have often wondered if there is a certain way people will act when talking to someone they like. I know there is lots of body language you can look for, but when you are near someone you really like, it is kind of hard to remember stuff like that.


So, I was wondering if there is a certain "clues" that people (boys or girls) give off if they like someone. This is in speech only, because it is really hard to remember body language other than eye contact and touching. For example, I know that if I like someone, then I try to be really good friends with them, and talk about life in general. I will ask how someone's day ahs gone, and whether or not tthey feel happy today. These are the ones that I notice, but there are probably more. Thank you so much.

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You don't really need to pick up on their body language, your sub-conscious will do that work for you. Its how we can sense tension between two people and that kind of stuff. You somehow just know what they're thinking by the way that they act.

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Clues. I know, it's tough to differentiate when two people like each other huh? For me, it's weird, because at first, I'll be myself around him (if I'm comfortable), but after a while, I'll shy away. Literally. I'll stop being myself for a while, perhaps, shortly after hello (on the 2nd date or 2nd time hanging out in a group of frends.) That's just how it's always been for me in the past. Then, after a while, I'll warm up again, depending on the bond.


Other clues- 'Blushing,' especially when the guy teases me, by cracking up innocent jokes. I can't help it, so blushing is a 'natural' response that people can't really help. In fact, if I think about it even more, I find that I blush even more.


'Smiling'-glancing here and there. Subtleties, like aknowledging, but at the him at the ame time, by responding to his 'small talk,' but once again shying away.


Other subconscious reactions- Hair pruning, playing with my pendent, showing my wrist (exposing it a certain way, I catch myself doing this once in a while, around a guy who I'm attracted to), my palms start to get a little sweaty (emberassing) , and a little tugging, like "Hey buddy, quit teasing me..." (innocent teasing).

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If I really like a guy, I usually get really nervous and start talking faster and louder than I usually do, and then I go and do something stupid like, as i'm walking off, trip over a chair or walk into a pole. xDD

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