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i have a question please answer if you know!!

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My boyfriend is in the navy..hes still at bootcamp now and must still go thro A school..but when he gets stationed will i be allowed to live with him wherever he is stationed to live at?..or must we be married? or engaged? or do i have to be 18?...if you know please answer!!

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i take it you're under 18?.. the military doesn't like that too much just to warn you. Anyone 18 or older dating someone under 18 can get in trouble even if you've been dating for awhile. If you two wanna get married then they can't say too much though.

but yes, to live in base housing you two have to be MARRIED.. even if you're engaged they will give you a hard time and he will more then likely have to live offbase and the military wont pay for your living expenses.

I think it may only be an exception if you have kids together but i'm not really sure.



-Mythical Suicide-

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yeah see thats what i was wondering..like by the time i am planning to go live on base with him will be after i turn 18...that will still be not allowed considering we are not married? i thought all being married does is allow him more money or something..i dont know the whole thing and right now neither does he..

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As far as I know the U.S. Military does not give more money to a soldier. Being married allows the soldier and his/her family to live on base with the govt. picking up the cost of living for them..thats really the only thing I know of..as far as I know they won't let gf's fiancee's live on base with them..its gotta be legally married last I remember.



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