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A new outlet?


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My new years resolution has been not to self harm anymore, and so far, I'm proud to say that I have done so.


However, I find that when I don't self harm, I vent my frustration in other ways, unintentionally. For example, this has been one of the worst weeks of my life, one bad event after another, and even though I have resisted self harming, I have apparently been taking out my anger on people, sharing my bad mood, as it seems.


This makes me feel even worse about myself, which leads me back to square one, why I want to self harm in the first place; So I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions how I can release my anger in a non-harmful way, and generally become a better person.


Thank you for reading.

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Sport league, weight-lifting, martial arts classes, walking/hiking/bicycling....

playing board or video games, reading, movies....

craft hobbies....

volunteer work....


drinking until u r so tanked out of u mind that u can't even understand u own name - O.K., just kidding about this last one! Pretty, much, find a few distractions (constructive or not) that will hold your attention for a little bit, until your emotions have calmed even a little; this may not always work, but, has a succss rate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
and even though I have resisted self harming, I have apparently been taking out my anger on people, sharing my bad mood, as it seems.

Thank you for reading.


Just so you know, I don't think that makes you a bad person. In all honesty, even that is better than cutting, even if the person is a loved one that you're angry at.



What about listening to music? I'm sure there's something out there that fits your mood or something that you can really relate to. There are countless bands out there that direct these issues in their music.


Or you can do some writing, that usually helps me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Martial arts seem to do it for me now, just find something painful - I'm doing Ninjutsu, it's really awesome! Also, once you know what the pressure points are, you can pretty much punch yourself in them, feel a lot of pain for 5 mins and then it's all endorphines, but 5 mins later, there's not trace, no permanent damage or anything! It's really good!

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