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What does the want from me?

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I've been awa from this girl for about three before yesterday. Before that she would never pay me any attention and would talk to other guys on the phone when i was around. Well during those weeks she's been trying to call me asking why i don't come see her anymore. Why would I? She says that she loves me, but she's young (16) so it might be infatuation. A relationship with her is pointless because it's all a game to her. Anyway i went to her house to watch a movie (she was at work.) I had to step out to get some ice. when i came back, she was on the phone so i smiled and waved at her. she did the same. quickly, she lies to whoever she was on the phone with saying that she had to finish doing her hair and eating her food. i had already went upstairs.


While i'm watching the movie with her cousin, she lays down beside me on the bed telling me how much she missed me. She smiled a lot and kept hugging me. She took my arm and put it around her (spoon position) making me touch her breast as if unintentional. She fell asleep in my arms for a while.


The movie was over and i had to leave. She walked me to the door. We kissed for a little while, then i told her i had to leave. I was ready to go until we started kissing again. I couldn't resist. It was then she walked me into her den. I fell back on her couch and we kissed more. Soon enough we were having sex.


How could this have happened if i haven't been around or called her in 3 weeks? Did she really miss me that much? Is it possible that she may actually love me?


What do you think about the whole thing?

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She probably only paid attention to you because it was convienant to her, because u were at the house, sorry if that sounds mean but some people are just like that... meaning they dont make an effort because its all about them and whats easy for them if that makes any sense.. I dont know, maybe u could jus lay off.. no calls going over etc and see how things turn out.. if she likes u as much as she says, then she will get in contact

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Your in a awkward position now. I normally would say back off and give her space to see if she really likes you but after having sex with her you may come off somewhat sleazy if you dont call her. I would say talk to her. Ask her if she really does love you. It would be best to be in person so you can read her eyes, body language instead of just hearing words. If after that you believe her and want to with her too, then tell her. You should not fool around with her if you dont want a relationship though. It will hurt her beyond belief.

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Previously in time, i loved her a lot, but all she did was hurt me and was oblivious to the fact. I've already given up on her. We weren't getting anywhere, so i figured "why show up?" This isn't the first time i've been away from her like this. It's usally the same when i come back minus sex. she lies about trying to call me, but couldn't get in touch. I can't see why she would say that. Even if i tell her to call me, she won't.


As for falling back in love with her, i don't think it's gonna happen. she's not ready for a true relationship. I really don't mind the kind of relationship we have right now. The only thing I hate is the difficulty of communication between us. She never was intimate with me when i was in love with her. I'd ask her how her day was and she'd call me nosey or give me an answer sounding mad. For a little while it changed.


There is a part of me that doesn't want to let go. It tells me that we still have a chance. The other side tells me to stop trying and keep doing what i'm doing. Minding my own business acting like i don't really care. Even though thats the case, she's always the first thing on my mind when i wake up in the morning. I'm always wondering what she's doing. I constanly force myself to stop thinking about her. I don't wanna go down that road again. It leads to nowhere.


Finally, I find it strange that she truly believes that we will be united as husband and wife one day. She tells all of her friends that she wants to marry me. Seriuously. Even her mom believes i'll be apart of the family. Out of all the people she's been with her dad only prefers me. He wants us together as well. Her mom has also told me that she talks about me all time.


I'm so confused.

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I want to thank u all for your input on this. I've come to find out that she's with 2 guys on the low. I won't be seeking any kind of romantic relationship with her. I can't trust her. In a way, i think we've become kissing friends or friends with benefits. We can't communicate because we're mainly physically attracted to each other.


How should i go about this? she doesn't know that i know.

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