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Hello, this is my first post here, but from what have read thus far, y'all seem like a bright bunch when it comes to this sort of thing.


So, the person I am in a LDR with arrives in 3 days, but here is the thing, I'm anxious, nervous.


I am so excited to see her too, which is why this feeling of anxiety is so bizarre to me.


Here is a little backstory if it helps:


She and I met at the end of this past summer. What started out as a fling turned into what was to be the best time I had ever spent with a woman before in the entirety of my life. We both fascinated each other, so much so that even after going our separate ways, we kept in constant conact. For the past four months since I have seen her, we have talked every day, ranging from several hours of telephone / MSN, to lots of texting. About two months ago, she suggested that she come visit me in January, and I was elated. It meant that she felt as I did, profoundly attracted to one another. She lives accross the ocean in Europe, and I, in America. We also have plans to do some long term traveling together after I graduate, granted that things keep going as well as they are.


In the past month, she has been super busy with work. We both have for that matter, and communication isn't what it once was, but that has not bothered me in the least up until this week, the week before I see her!


Not once in the 4 months before now have I once felt doubt, distress or anxiety regarding her. Only deep affection. Very often in fact she would put herself down or claim she wasn't attractive. I would always reassure her that she was, and that I was crazy about her. She feels this way because in a past relationship, her boyfriend treated her horribly. He physically and verbally abused her. I had to really prove that I wasn't just another man who would abuse her, I earned her trust.


So I don't get it, here I am, the man who has been calm and confident for 4 months, and now that she is almost here, I am a nervous wreck. I keep thinking to myself that maybe I am not worth her time, that she doesn't want to see me, and that she is bored with me.


I tried to tell her that I was feeling really nervous, but as her culture doesn't really feel comfortable with emotional expression, I don't think she really understood. In fact, I am worried that I will come off as a needy child if I try to tell her how nervous I feel, as I don't think many women find it attractive when a male shows weakness in today's society.


I think I am imagining things to be anxious about too. I feel paranoid. What the hell is wrong with me? Next week is what I have been looking forward to for 4 months, and now I feel like I am going to goof it up somehow due to all this anxiety which has developed out of thin air!


Any thoughts? Any suggestions for reducing stress?


Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.



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Don't panic for a start, we all get these feelings before the first meet. It is natural....what will he/she think of me in real life, will they like me just as much..what if they don't etc etc.


If you didn't feel anxious there would be something wrong, maybe your feeling over anxious because you feel she has been a little different the last couple of weeks....


Very soon you will see her for real, so put your negative doubts aside. What you will probably find that they were all for nothing.

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