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Her ex keeps contacting her....What do I do?

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My GF of about a month has recently had a good amount of contact with her ex. He called her the other night and they talked for a fairly long time. Last night he just showed up at her house and they talked some more and he tried to kiss her I guess i am being a hypocrite here b/c I tried to kiss her too when she was with him but I was still pissed. Do you think I should be worried about this??? Or any comments would be helpful




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I'm not worried about breaking up at all. I know she loves me and we did talk about all of this and there were alot of tears and we both know that we want to be together. There may be other fish but they are all minnows compared to my girl. She is amazing and I dont ever want anyone else. She was my best friend before we got together and we love each other soooo much. We arent going to break up for a long time if ever and I can garantee that. She broke up with him for me. I just dont know how to feel about this ex. I hate to admit but her talking with him does get me mad. and I hate being mad when it concerns her. How, if possible can I fix this?

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