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23 yr old virgin


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This is kind of a random thread, so bare with me. I'm a straight 23 yr old virgin, and I am craving to eventually find a good woman to have sex with. I know there may be other questions similar to this in other threads, but for those who already lost their virginity, is the act of having sex as cranked up as they say it is? Does it feel good? Do you get extraordinarily aroused? What are the body parts that you like to "fiddle" with the most? If it was me, I would fiddle with the woman's breasts frequently.. the breasts are my biggest fetish.

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Same here with me, I don't always think about sex, and yes it is nearly impossible for some guys like me and you also. I'm 31 and still a virgin


I think I always think about it. My sex drive is up there. But I try to keep it checked. BUt like you I am still a virgin, but only at 22. I start community college Monday, but school is school, not party zone.

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I am 23 as well, and had sex for the first time the other day with my girlfriend (who is my first girlfriend). I don't know if it was what I expected, but then again, I really didn't know what to expect. When you have sex for the first time, it feels like you are going to immediately orgasm, mostly because of the new sensation. I lasted about 20 seconds the first time, not orgasming after 20 seconds, but feeling like I was going to. Last night I lasted a few minutes, so it is just something that takes practice. Once you get familiar with the feeling of you inside her, you will have a better idea of how to gauge your stimulatory reactions as well as being more open to reading her.


Keep in mind that the female orgasm isn't as sharp as the male orgasm. It happens over a period of time, compared to the sudden male orgasm. Also, the feelings you get from strong sexual arousal during sex go away not long after you are done. Sexual intercourse is one form of sexual arousal, so don't neglect other means of stimulation for your partner.


Don't worry about when it will happen. Make it count, so don't hook up with some random girl just to you can lose your virginity. When you have sex for the first time with someone you care about (and someone who cares about you), then it will be that much more meaningful.

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