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hurting bad tonight...can't be alone, don't want to be around people

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I dont know what to do with myself. The anxiety is so bad right now...hard to breath. I hate being around people right now, but Im also feeling sorry for myself and lonely sitting here on a Saturday night alone watching tv. All I do is think about my ex and how or where things went wrong. Tears are running down my face...Im trying to get better...I dont know what to do

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Look fella.


It's ok. Don't panic- or at least try a bit to. We are all in the same boat , bit at diferent stages. Just breath in and out deeply when you panic and just concentrate for a moment on something else.


Believe it or not, things will get sloooowly better. You won't feel sick, you won't panic, You won't lose sleep. Just think of yourself as strong as you can be, it will wain. I was there 2 weeks ago and it gets better.


Keep posting here and we will help you all we can.

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I lost both my GF and my best friend...I miss her so much


My neighbour came over last night to watch a movie with me. (she is also single). It wasnt anything other then for company, but it almost made it worst. I miss having that loving connection and being able to just hangout together like best friends but also with the sexual attraction. It doesnt get any better then that.

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Hey Mark, it's tough, I know. I'm also sat alone on a Saturday alone in front of pc (talking to some mates online and irc) - I don't know how long it has been for you since breakup but a few months ago I was sitting on my couch crying my eyes out for weeks and weeks and reached probably the lowest point of my life. Now it still hurts but it's getting better because I dated a dragon who has had her mind possessed by aliens. I spent an eternity focusing on where it went wrong and still do now but less so every day, she was just mental, it happens. I'm not sure tv is a great help, no mates you can call tonight?

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The only solace you can take right now, really, is that we all go through this and it's part of human nature. You're normal. We all have love float in and out of our lives, and it's that way for everyone. No one is exempt. Some people have better "luck" overall then others, but even the lucky ones face social challenges that would bring post people to the breaking point.


Even though it doesn't feel right right now, function is the key. Just keep faking it. Keep going through the motions. Action is everything. Keep forcing yourself even when it hurts and/or doesn't feel right.


There really are things you can do to unspin yourself a little bit and step out of this. Lots of great books can help bring focus back to your life, and doing something like yoga and/or cycling can really calm the mind and put you on a better track. Anyway, although you feel

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I lost both my GF and my best friend...I miss her so much


My neighbour came over last night to watch a movie with me. (she is also single). It wasnt anything other then for company, but it almost made it worst. I miss having that loving connection and being able to just hangout together like best friends but also with the sexual attraction. It doesnt get any better then that.


Indeed it doesn't get better than that, but for now she is gone, maybe not forever but you need to try and focus on now and what is real and looking after yourself - your neighbour sounds sweet, get her over for MOTD? Well maybe she's not into it. You know what I would really love right now, a hug from a female, not something sexual, just a good old fashioned hug that lasts and makes you realise that life can dish out these crappy things but other people are out there with feelings and going through it all themselves.

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Hey there Mark just read what you posted and just wanted to try and give you some encouragement! I know it's tough going through and feeling the way you do right now! Like jettison said above, we all go through this and eventualy we heal! I went through the most painful break up of my life a little more than a year ago and today I am completely healed and whole! The woman that I was with had known me for years and always had a huge crush on me and when we finally got together it was magic! She was funny, sexy, outgoing and in my mind there was no other woman who could compare to her! Long story short, I got sent to jail for a period of 8 months and she left me for another man! So while I'm locked up and alone, she's out there making love and sleeping in another mans arms! Every night I went to bed, I thought of how I was all alone and how she had somebody else! It fu**ing killed me and I was more depressed than I had ever been in my life! Even when I got released the depression still persisted! I was in bed upwards of 20 hours a day and I never thought those feeling would go away! Slowly but surely they did! Today I am 110% over this person and have found somebody else who is better suited for me and if someone would have told me a year ago that I'd be where I'm at in my life today, I would have said impossible! You too will get over this girl, I guarantee it and you will find somebody else to come in and fill this void that you have in your heart! I would reccomend not talking, texting or contacting this girl in any way, shape or form! I knows it tough, but this will only drive her even further away from you and it will only make things worse! A heartache is the worst thing to have to go through in life, but it will get better with time! Just try and hang in there and don't isolate yourself like I did! You're going to make it through this and as a result you are going to be a better and more appreciatve man for the next woman that comes into your life!

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Mark - I know all these feelings all too well. In time you will start to get numb about that - I'm getting there after some time now. I wish I could tell you something comforting, but realistically, it's going to take a while. I'm still fighting all those feelings. I too am here on a Sat night. There are a lot of us out there and we know how you feel. Hang in there buddy.

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