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I'm gonna blow.

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As much as I try to avoid my ex and his new girlfriend (it's official now), I had a mutual friend tell me what was up with their relationship statuses today. So of course.. I knew, and it stung. I am so bitter.. I feel like ruining his whole life. I won't but it's so hard.


This pain feels so bad, that I literally don't think I'll ever get over it sometimes. It doesn't help that I'm bitter either.. but I can't stop!


Can you get over a relationship or someone while being bitter or mad?

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He asked me.. and I was like ugh.


My ex texted me today saying he was going through hell for all the pain he caused me and wanted to meet up on New years Day so we could sit down and get everything off each other's chest. He said I could punch him, slap him, spit in his face, do whatever, to make myself feel better.


I obviously don't think this is a good idea.. but I'm so weak.

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dont do it leighton if you do meet him just look at him and walk away dont shout dont scream dont hit him just walk away!whats the point in letting him feel better?

let the guilt eat at his rotten soul and may it be lost forever!


your a stunning girl you will not have any troubles finding someone very worthwhile for you so forget this loser dont give him the saticfaction of letting him off the hook dont meet him just say nooooooooo

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dont do it leighton if you do meet him just look at him and walk away dont shout dont scream dont hit him just walk away!whats the point in letting him feel better?

let the guilt eat at his rotten soul and may it be lost forever!


your a stunning girl you will not have any troubles finding someone very worthwhile for you so forget this loser dont give him the saticfaction of letting him off the hook dont meet him just say nooooooooo


This! OP, I TOTALLY know exactly how you feel. You have no idea how many times I daydream about seeing my ex from accross the street and me kicking the living crap out of him and kick him while he's on the floor, crying, begging me to stop.


But you know what? It won't happen. Cause if it did happen, it will show him that I'm still not over stuff. Just because you're not over the crap the ex pulled over you, doesn't mean they have to know... You wanna make him feel like crap? Ignore him, move on like a mature adult, and find a great guy who will love you and take better care for you than your ex ever did. THAT will destroy him. Trust.

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