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Today is the first day in a week I got even the slightest urge to contact my ex.. mostly to tell him what garbage he was for being with another girl.


I obviously didn't contact him, but so many things happened today that angered me and what happened just now has made me so sad. I deleted both my ex and his new "love" or whatever the hell she is. I blocked him but not her. I was on one of our friend's profiles, and in her friends list.. there was his new love (who by the way used to be my friend). And she had just put up a picture of her and my ex from a long time ago.


Keep in mind this girl JUST broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years a week ago, after my ex told her he had feelings for her.


I feel so sad. I want to talk to both of them and tell them how much I hate them, but I won't give them that satisfaction. I don't know if they're dating yet and frankly I don't care because I know they will eventually, but it just hurts so much. I'm here crying and being upset over this, while they're happy with each other. It just makes me sick that I spent a year and a half of my life with this man. I know we had a lot of good times and I learned alot, but just for it all to end like this is unbearable.


I want the pain to end.. and I know it won't any time soon...

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I'm sorry that you're going through this right now.


I know how you felt, because my ex best friend was/still is dating my ex bf.


Long story short, her fiance and my ex bf were good friends. She was the one who hooked me up with him. Things didn't work out between us, so we broke up. Well she starting cheating on her fiance and started sleeping with my ex and to this day, they are still a couple. Mind you, she was my best friend for about 10 years.


I realized that I am in a much better place now. They deserve each other.


Hang in there hun.

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According to your other threads you admitted that you didn't treat him well and that is basically why he broke up with you. Why is he 'garbage' for wanting to be with someone else?


Reacting in this way won't serve you - it will just make you bitter and that is not a good place to get stuck in emotionally. If you want the pain to end you have to let go of this.

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Yeah that is why he broke up with me.. among other things like the distance. However, we were trying to rebuild everything and things were GREAT for a few weeks even though we were still far away from each other. I was really trying to give him my heart in full and be better towards him... but he just destroyed someone else's relationship instead, not keeping in mind how MYSELF or her boyfriend would feel.


I know being bitter doesn't help, but it hurts. I also realize that I treated him badly, but he treated me badly too. He took his anger out on me, hid things from me, lied to me, etc. I'm not trying to make myself feel better.. but I don't think he is justified in what he did at all.

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