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anyone else on antidepressants after their breakup?


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Before the break up we were having major problems and I was very depressed. Doc suggested I take Zoloft. I was worried about relying on them. I discussed it with the ex ( bf at the time) he said he was shocked a normal GP would just give me the pills. Anyways, I thought about it and took I think about only 3.


Since the break up my sleep is ruined, I feel more depressed than ever and I feel like maybe I should actually take the pills and see if they do help me.


I took one today, but it takes weeks before they kick in, so who knows how I will feel.


which ones were you on MarkD? Were there any side affects?


Apparently Zoloft causes insomnia ( which I don't need) and makes you sweat a lot.

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I am on a low dose of Cipralex. It worked very well for me last time, so I wanted to stick with the same kind.


I wasnt depressed at all before the breakup...everything was great.


I am getting all the side effects right now... sick to my stomach, anxiety, chills, etc. Its just making it hard to deal with...the sick to my stomach feeling is terrible along with the anxiety. I think the main problem right now, is that I havnt officially broken up with my GF. She hasnt completely closed the door, but also said she is not sure if she wants to work on the relationship... I am willing to give her space/time...but I cant go on like this for much longer.

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