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need help with body language and more....

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I believe this girl likes me but i just get mixed up and confused. Sometimes, she mocks me in a joking way while blushing.... is that a good sign or bad? also I could use some help on topics to talk about, it seems our conversations are getting shorter everyday.

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Dude here it is, If she is sending you signals and you dont respond she may think your not interested in her and send those signals to someone else!, and you lose! if you go up to her and just ask how she feels about you etc. and she rejects you, you lose, but if she is interested in you, you win!


So you see you have nothing to lose by asking and everything to gain if you do.


Now if it just so happens she wasnt sending signals, just shrug it off, just say something like, Oh ok, i was getting some mixed signals and just wanted to be sure, thanks, and smile!! you werent rejected! you were asking Her if she had an interest in you, your not asking her to have one. this is great strategy for everyone thats "wondering" and no one gets their pride hurt here.

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Hi Slash,


Just walk up to her and say "You could be mine...". Just kidding!


On a serious note, it is a little hard to tell from what you have mentioned. Signs like these can be misleading at times and one never really knows for sure.


You will have to talk to her and find out more. Initiate some dates and see if it goes well. As said, you've got nothing to lose. At the very least, you have gained a friend.


Be brave!

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