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why does NC on their part, seem so easy?


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I was wondering this also strangely enough..


I guess the question that chews away at my mind is always "I wonder if they're missing me right now..." or.. "I wonder if she's thinking that she really screwed up..."


And I just have to try my hardest to block those thoughts and tell myself that it doesn't matter WHAT she thinks... I need to just do things to get my life back on the right track without her!!

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More often than not the dumper think about breaking up long before it actually happens, so in many ways they have prepared themselves for it.


The dumpee is vulnerable and hurt, so it's a lot harder because their whole world feels like it's going to crash.


I also think for the dumper at times pride gets in the way and they like to show they are strong men and can handle anything.

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why does NC on their part, seem so easy?

Because it is. I'm sorry, but that's the harsh reality. If they loved and cared about us they would still be here. They may get lonely if they don't have a new partner and end up calling, but once you stop hearing from them, it's pretty much because they have moved on.


Someone I care deeply for has dropped out of my life and I no longer hear from them. I do not believe this guy is sitting around missing me. He has simply moved on, maybe with someone else, maybe not.

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