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3 words I hate...


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I feel that. It seems the only way to learn a lot of fields is to take these internships while in school. If you don't, it's like you're SOL.


One thing I don't understand is how these internships are often unpaid. If they advertised the job for $5/hr, it would be illegal because it's below federal minimum wage. But for $0/hr, it's OK. How does that work?

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These are the 3 words I hate when I'm looking for an internship.




How in the world am I going to get an internship? I can't go back to school! I've already done that twice!


I'm looking to get in the entertainment industry. Music, t.v, film, etc...


what kind of specific work are you looking for in the entertainment industry?

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It might just mean that they aren't paying the internship, but are willing to make it count for college credits. Usually they get some subvention from the gov which is why they do it in the first place.


You could maybe still apply and say you will accept it at no pay like volunteer work.

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that's the thing. My parents would back me up if I got an unpaid internship. Especially if it was in CA or NYC. They feel like they owe me because of my sister.

She went to a private highschool. Went to Wisconsin (out of state) Went to Middlebury (vermont, private college) and lived in France for a whole year! Without any job. Everything was paid for. I've never lived outside my home state!

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I don't think that you should be relying on your parents to fund this career dream. You're 29 right? I've read quite a few of your past posts and you don't seem like you follow through on much, and you've already spent their cash (I'm assuming) on getting another degree that you did just to please them...and they got you a car?

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I don't know how to follow through. I'm really scared because I can't find a place to live. I'd rather waste my money in NYC or LA rather than get a place and job where I'm at. Going to college didn't mean anything back then. Now, that I know exactly what I want to do, I really, really regret it.

Back in my parent's days, having just a degree meant something. Now, you have to have a specific degree and much more experience. People can get away without degrees now. I wasted my life because I went to college. People look at me silly when I tell them I don't have a job and I have 2 degrees. I don't even remember buying paper!!!

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