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As you know I have not contacted my ex since reciveing her email 2 weeks ago. She called Sunday night but I did not answer my cell. Just now I get a text saying "i know you do not want to hear from me. but it's a girl. i had to let you know." She is refuring to her new grand-daughter.


I wanted to text back "Congratulations" But I am lost as to what to do. If I do anything how will she take it? That I am uncaring if I do not respond? Or if I do that I am still on the string?



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i would txt her and congratulated her. there's no need to let your ego get in the way of good will. as for being on a string, i think you feel more like that then she is considering that as the case. you can have a gesture of good will, and remain self esteemed. people can think anything of you and you can't control that, but you can control how you feel about yourself.

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i would text her and say congratulations because it not really as if you are texting her, your just responding and saying it to someone else through her, besides saying that to her has nothing to your ex relationship so id go for it, she wouldnt think anything of it i dont think


~LJ =;

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Make sure you understand the true meaning of no-contact. It is not a violation of anything if they contact you. The whole reason for no-contact is to get them to contact you. Whether you respond is how you think you will do emotionally when you call them back.

I say definitely tell her congratulations. I don't know for sure whether you want her back or not, but if you do it sounds like this is all good.

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Thanks people,


I was in shock when I received the text. Before anyone replied I sent "Congratulations ~s~" the sent "thank you". She had already told me is was supposed to be a girl... so that and the fact she said she knows I do not want her to contact me through me off.


It would have shown less than good character if I hadn't responded. Thank you for support... this site is my crutch getting through the day...



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