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Broke NC and feel great

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Well I know they say to not break NC but after 9 days I broke NC. Not a single reply to my txt/call and I feel the best I have done since we broke up (a month ago). I think its given me some closure in the fact that she doesn't even care enough to reply to me.


Has anyone else had this before?

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I kinda did, but (and not to be neg) it creeps back in... I've found that moments like that for me, are short-lived.


I'm glad I broke NC, but really do know now that there is nothing more for me to say or do and that it is in my best interest to not do it again going forward.


Wish you the best...

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I'm glad I did to. Its finally given me the closure I needed (as the last thing my ex said to me was she loved me so much and that she just wanted us to be together but she can't see it working). It does make it so much easier knowing they were all lies.


OptomisticGirl - I don't know your back story so can't really comment but I know when my ex came back last time and asked for another chance it wasn't till I had almost moved on. It does get easier though I am now down to thinking about her once a minute (from 10 times a minute) and a month ago I couldn't go for more than 4 hours without contacting her.


SULLY323 - I think by the sounds of things you need to go NC at least for a while to let yourself heal. I know I begged and pleaded for her to come back (Even though I was the dumper) and it only made things a lot worse. Its hard to start off with but it does become easier.


I'm sorry to hear that DaveReInvented it does make things harder when they are replying

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