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Ok I really don't know where to put this one.


So a few weeks back I broke up with my girlfriend of 3.5 years (Because she didn't want to talk about our problems). We initially stayed in contact but I always wanted to get back together so gave her a choice of either get back together or No Contact (As I couldn't handle just being friends). When we did used to see each other after the break up it was almost like we were back together again. She still told me she loved me and said she always wanted us to be together she just couldn't see it working right now so we can only remain as friends.


Then 2 days ago I gave her the choice of NC or get back together. She choose NC saying she didn't want to hurt me any more. Now the last time we broke up and went NC she came back to me after two months saying she had missed me to much and was still very much in love with me.


So do I wait for the initial cooling of period and hurting to stop and try contact her again or do I just move on?

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