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My girlfriend and I of six moths rescently decided to take a break for awhile so she could focus more on making friends and establishing long term relationships. She is from another city and goes to college in my city. We decided that maybe it wasn't the best time for us to be together but we still both truly love and miss eachother. We call eachother as often as we get a chance and continiously proclaim our love for eachother. I believe that she just wants a little freedom but I am scared that she might begin to like it too much and not come back to me.


We have decided to not have any intimate contact as well because we know that it will just cause jelousy and hurt feelings. I am always there for her and she for me ,but I just want to be with her again. She never uses the term "if" we get back together it is always "when".


The other night I arrived at a bar just as she was leaving. She told me she would call me later but never did so I called her. One of her best guy friends answered and told me she was drunker than ever. I hear her crying and asked if she wanted me to come over. He told me she did so I came over and she was a mess. I took care of her and it felt so good to be that close to her again. She kept saying she loved me and will never hurt me and just to stay close. It wasn't the alchol talking because every time we talk she says this.


I would do anything for this girl and she knows and apprectiates my being a great friend for her. She tells me that she knows I am the one for her and every day of our break it is becoming more and more apparent to her how much she wants to be with me in the future.


My question is how long should I wait for her to come around before I move on. I know she is the one for me and I would wait forever but that is not healthy for me. Please help me. We have been apart for almost a month. There are 5 weeks of school left and we both agreed that any time before that would not be right so I am willing to wait at least that long. However she is going home for the summer and wont be back until August. Is it healthy to wait that long for someone to want to be with you?

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I know exactly how you feel, i am going thru the same crap with my GF of 5 years. Whatever happens, happens and its probly for the best that it happens the way it will. If you can trust her and wait for her, then do it and she will see that you truly love her. if you cant then you need to break it off. youve been at this longer then i have(about two weeks now) so im sure that this is tough for you. Go out have a good time with you friends get trashed a few times, build a life for yourself that doesnt involve her, she will see your independence and start to come around. If she doesnt then atleast you have a life to fall back on. my theory is to cover your butt, this way you wont get massacared if the crap hits the fan, know what i mean? try to have a good time with your friends she is doing it for a reason maybe you should try to understand her reason........

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Hi JTS, I'm sorry for what your going through but it sounds like your g/f is having a hard time adjusting to your split as well. The fact that it's long distance definitely adds to the challenge. Juggling school, a relationship and life in general is nerve-wracking enough! She may be feeling anxiety with school ending in 5 wks and leaving you. At least at this point she is still near you, even if your not together. Can you both agree to keep in touch over the summer...August will be here before you know it. That will be a strong test for both of you, but from what you wrote, it sounds like you both care for each other and absense does make the heart grow fonder.


Hope it works our for you both,



All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time...
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