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Happy but a little confused


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This guy that I dated a long time ago recently popped back into my life and we started to talk and hang out again. Within the last month or so things have taken a strange turn I have noticed that he has become alot more attentive and talking to me more than usual.


Why I think this is strange is because I have been sick for the past month and havent been able to hang out with him( my living arrangements right now are not in a way that he can come to my house and hang out so the hanging out is usually done at his house. 2 weeks ago we had a conversation about why things did work out before and it kinda ended in an argument. One of our problems when we were dating before was that I never knew how he felt about me. We have moved on from there and we talk to each other every day but I have noticed that he has started to call me sweetie or honey or baby and he never has before. This might not seem like a big deal but I am wondering if things have changed between us and I am afraid to ask because I might be reading things that arent there.


Something else that has me confused is that we were talking via email just now and I told him I like it when he used those endearments and he said he realised that I did and that he tried to use it more, he also said that it was a slow progress but he is working on it. That has me so confused, what is he working on? I think he means us but I dont want to push incase I am wrong.


What do you guys think? Does it seem like thing are moving towards getting serious? We have plans tomorrow so i might ask him about it then depending on how the night goes.

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I know it's risky to ask where someone stands, but it's perfectly reasonable in your situation. Just tell him you kinda need some clarity about things, and ask him how he's feeling about you guys hanging out together and what he's hoping for. Be ready to tell him how you feel as well. These endearments are either misleading you (because he doesn't mean them in a special way) or intentional. They are clearly confusing you, so you need him to tell you plainly where he's at with regards to your friendship.


BTW, since you said you didn't know how he felt before when you dated, it seems like the endearments are a way that he's trying to show you what he didn't/couldn't show you before.

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Thanks guys for the advice. We are going out tonight and he asked me if there was anything specific I wanted to do, I thought we would just be hanging out at his place but it seems like he actually wants to go out and do something. He also mentioned about special plans for next month, so maybe this is a good sign. I will just wait and see how the evening goes. I am so happy.

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