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Ginger Guys = <3


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I have no idea why, but I absolutely adore redheads. Real gingers, not the dark red or dyed sort. Does anyone else find that they have this preference?


I mean, I've dated guys with blond hair or brown hair, but for some reason I have this growing attraction towards any guy with red hair.


Does anyone know if there is an actual reason behind this? Or does anyone share this ginger preference?

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Oi! Excellent idea, although Im not entirely sure how the fake hair would go over with the ladies? ;P


I'm sure there are websites out there that rate toupees and all sorts of cranial accessories for our convenience. As for keeping the secret where it belongs, if you get my drift, I'd hope she likes baldness too, or is bald herself.


Ah but I'm getting away from the OP. From a man's perspective, ginger-haired women are very special as well. Some sources say that the trait is getting rarer by the day. :sad:

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Some sources say that the trait is getting rarer by the day.


That's terrible! One day we might be without redheads... hence my dream to have little ginger children one day... Help along the numbers of redheads, and perhaps we'll never run out of them.


and the ones that have it are getting it dyed something else


This is actually VERY sad... I have a friend and she has fantastic red hair, naturally, but she dyes it black. For a while it was the style, but now she just likes it so much more than her original colour, while I ENVY her gorgeous hair.

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Guess what?! If anyone will even read this aha.


There's this super cute guy with red hair in one of my extracurriculars, and he caught me looking at his hair. He's not in my year, he's in year 12 actually, but a girl can always dream, right? Although I wouldn't recommend dreaming about it while you are in the same room as said redhaired guy, because I zoned out while gazing at his fantastic hair.

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