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i dnt know what to do


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hi guys,

Im seeing a guy whom i started out being just casual friends with, well while we were talking one night one thing lead to another and we slept together. He later told me that he really liked me and still wanted to be friends despite of the akwardness that was going on between us. We agreed but now we see each other everyday and call everyday this has become way more that just a casual friendship we kiss hug dnt want to leave each others side. Heres the worst part, he has a girl-friend of 10 yrs and they have two kids. Hes says hes not happy and stays for the kids. Thats a line just about all cheating husbands and boyfriends use when kids are involved but, I believe him. Should i let it go or should i stay??????

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Consider for a moment how he is treating his long-term girlfriend: Lies, deception, duplicity.


Nevermind whether or not he is happy in that relationship. The fact that he would treat her that way, rather than deal with his relationship problems with candor and honesty, tells you everything you need to know about his character. Do you really want to invest yourself emotionally in this guy? What reason do you have to think he will treat you any differently in the future than he is treating her today?


Also consider the example he is willing to set for his children. Again, I believe you should ask yourself if you would want someone in your life who is willing to destroy the safety and comfort of his children's home.

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You need to stop and think. Right now.

This guy is willing to destroy his family. Do you think they will have a nice friendly break up when his girlfriend finds out? He's about to thrash his kids and leave them with emotional scars that they will carry into adulthood.

If he's unhappy with his relationship and there are kids involved, he's got a responsibility to first seek counseling, and if that doesn't work, break up gracefully so that the animosity does not spill out all over his children.

I guarantee you, now that he's got a taste of it, you wont be the last.

You are engaging in something that is incredibly selfish and hurtful to three innocent people. Is that really want on your life resume? Even if this works out perfectly for you, you've got three devastated souls and someone you can never trust on your hands.


Knock it off. Please! I beg you.

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PS - I want you to read this thread: Children of Cheating Parents. I'm going to bump it just for you.

You read that and tell me if you think that what you are doing is OK in the slightest.


I'm a product of cheating parents. I've been cheated on and it is the worst pain I've ever been in in my life. I often thought that if the people who were doing the cheating could feel the pain of the others involved for just a moment, they'd never be able to get it up to cheat.



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Consider for a moment how he is treating his long-term girlfriend: Lies, deception, duplicity.


Nevermind whether or not he is happy in that relationship. The fact that he would treat her that way, rather than deal with his relationship problems with candor and honesty, tells you everything you need to know about his character. Do you really want to invest yourself emotionally in this guy? What reason do you have to think he will treat you any differently in the future than he is treating her today?


Also consider the example he is willing to set for his children. Again, I believe you should ask yourself if you would want someone in your life who is willing to destroy the safety and comfort of his children's home.

My thoughts exactly! He sounds like a weak, lying, cheater to me. Shame-shame!



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