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So i live with 3 females and have started to like one of them.....i think. I really didn't see her that way the first few months of living together, but then we became kinda of friends and i really started to sink into having her around all the time, I always like seeing her when i get home, and for awhile it seemed like she would get up out of bed just to come talk to me, when i got home from work. Anyway alot of affection has grown from it. Im not sure if i am liking her like a sister, or more than that.

BUt over the weekend the other two roomates went out of town, and she was walking around in a little skirt and tank top, and i was horny lol. So i was really considering trying something with her, but was afraid of how she would react, and the trouble it may cause later.

I have never clicked so well with a female, we really share an amazing sense of humor, i can make her cry laughing so hard, and i am always full of jokes around her....i never have had that with anyone i can remember, although its rocky and ackward in serious moments, i can tell she is more comfortable with joking, i think its avoiding intimacy.

SO anyway what do i do, Do i tell her my feelings, Do i let it be, Do i pursue it?

IM 23 shes 19?

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