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Want to ask a girl out from my class

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Hi, there's this girl I like in some of my college classes at school. I've been thinking of asking her out, but I'm not really good at these kind of things. I have never really talked to her before, but I'm pretty sure she knows my name and who I am. In a lab at school she's asked me a few questions on how to do something on what she was working on and I tried to help a little, but besides the few times in the lab I've never really talked to her in class. I don't know if she has a boyfriend or not (she's pretty hot she might have a bf), all I really know is her name and that she's in some of my classes. She usually sits alone and doesn't really talk to a lot of people even though she seems to know some of the people in class.I talked to two of my friends who are in the same classes with me as the girl I like. They say they think I have a good chance (or might just want a good laugh heh) and that I should go for it, but I don't know what to say to her. I don't know if I'm being too forward by just coming out of the blue with this to her and if things go bad I've still got class with her for another month and a half.


I'm pretty sure that I will at least give it a try (If I have the balls and it works, will have been well worth it). My plan so far is something like... Hi, my names ___. I'm in a few of your classes here at school. Id really like to get together and do something with you sometime. (taken from this site, too vague?).....After that I'll pretty much improvise and throw in a few jokes depending on how things go.


So far this seems like its going be extremely awkward for me and perhaps for the girl I like. Can anyone give my advice to help guide me on what I should try to say to her and perhaps on how to approach her?



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Sounds good. But I'd be careful with the jokes thing. You might come accross as one of those guys who's trying too hard. Afterall, you probably don't know what kind of a sense of humour she has yet, right? There'd be nothing worse than saying hello and getting her attention, but then falling flat on your face when you crack a bad joke. But if you think it's going well and you can pull it off, go for it


Perhaps you should just be really casual, even say something less obviously 'prepared' like 'Hi, how's it going? Hey, are you in my _____ class? I thought so! I recognised your face. We should have a coffee after class one day. See you later'. You don't necessarily have to get her phone number, but then next time you have a class, you could go sit next to her, or near her, and say hello again. Just one suggestion!

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heh, sounds like a position im in, if you know her name you should say "Hi 'name' " because everyone likes it when someone you dont really know, knows your name, just a tip.


Also, try to get to know her a little more before asking her to see you after school, most girls dont like meeting people they dont really know.

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Just be casual. Sitting near her in class is a good idea, especially if she doesnt usually talk to anyone. Saying hello to her is a good start and then go from there.

Pip's got some good ideas. I wouldnt really try too many jokes either if you dont know anything about her. Its too easy to offend people.

Hope that helps..

Ask anything if it doesnt..

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Make sure you have something in mind when you ask her out. The something/sometime approach is the kiss of death with girls because you're giving them the opportunity to say yes when they really mean no. Usually when I ask someone out, I say something like 'I'm heading to (favorite spot here) for a drink later. Would you like to join me?' Then you're putting her in a position where she has to say yes or no.

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