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Anyone ever find the timing of breakups ironic?


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I have had 3 serious breakups from woman I love.


Girl #1 came back shortly after I meet girl #2. Girl #1 and I were LC for 6 months and then 4 months of NC. Then she came back within weeks of me meeting Girl #2. I remember asking myself "only if I did not meet girl #2."


Girl #2 found her then new-man the very same night, I realized how much I loved her and wanted to change. (Long story). She was at the club and I wanted to go, but I was to wasted from a baseball game earlier in the day that I couldn't go. I remember feeling like "if only I had went."


Girl #3 she complained that I wasn't make money in my business. Its true, but she didn't see how I was making a little more and more each month. The day of our breakup, I had received a nice paycheck. But she forgot about that during the argument. Since the breakup, business has been great!!!

Now that business has been great and I have money to do things. I just wish she was here to do things with.


I just find the timing of all my breakups ironic. Plus they all ended during year 2.

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