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When partner travels for business or leisure


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I never had any long-term relationship with a girl (and since it's about to be the first time I am always anxious and scared) so I would like to ask everyone here how one should usually communicate if you or your girlfriend are separated by distance due to holidays, travel for business or leisure.


In my case she is not yet my girlfriend, but she expressed interest in wanting to be mine... but I will be away for 3-4 weeks and I'm scared that she might forget me or meet new people etc.


Basically I'm asking: how to keep the fire hot while I'm away?


I'm especially scared because this was an unexpected travel, and she was about to clear things up from her past and make a move towards me... so I feel a bit guilty having lost this opportunity.

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Talk, text, chat, email, webcam.

There are lots of ways to stay in contact.

When we're seperated due to work or leisure, for weeks at a time, we just continue on like normal and finding the time or way and making the effort is not an issue.


If she forgets about you because you're gone for a few weeks, so be it. She can't be that into you.

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If she's expressed interest in being your girlfriend, why don't you spend the time apart to find out more about each other through those methods that Asti mentioned above.


I don't think you should feel guilty about travelling. Obviously you're worried that the timing isn't perfect, because this is a budding relationship for you, but make it clear with her that you're interested and you'd like to keep in touch when you're travelling.

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