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I dont know what to do is he cheating? gay? what else?

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i have been with my boyfriend for three years, we had a healthy sex life until about 2 yrs ago. we have a great relationsip and care about each other very much, but about a year ago my boyfriend began hanging out with a girl we both know whom he had a crush on freshman year in high school we are now freshman in college. he hung out with her behind my back for about six months and the thing is she lives in the house behind me so i caught by seeeing his truck outside a couple times. he wrote her all these nasty emails and messages on her phone, and finally this girls boyfrteind found a dirty messsage on her ceel phone and brought it over to my house to listen. i called my boyfriend on it and he said he was trying to find out if i was spying on him, which i had alittle but only when i found out he was hanging out with this girl. weve had many problems with this, and he has sworn crying and all that he would never cheat on me and never did with her. anyway my main problem is that we only have sex about three times a month thats not much for an 19 yr old. im horny all the time and he says he just doesent get as horny anymore. i found porn on his computer and so i know he jacks off all the time but if i ask him about it he gets so angry and says he can do whatever he wants. him looking at porn bugs me so much, because he never does anything with me. he always says how he wants to marry me and we bought a dog and everything, i dont know what to do is he cheating? gay? what else?

thanks for your opinions!

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Heh, it's usually the girl who loses interest before the guy does.


I doubt he's gay unless you found gay porn on his computer.


Anyway, he's either cheating with another girl or he's just bored with having sex with the same girl for three years. The second of the two is probably more plausible here.


To fix this problem, you'll have to try new things to spice up your sex life. You know, new positions, new lingerie, toys, surprise sex, flavorful condoms, champagne, chocolate fudge, whipped cream, sour cream, and other exotic delicacies, etc.


Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with having sex three times a month, with the exception that it is 5 star sex each and every time. If the sex sessions are bordering between a DUD and one star, then I can understand how you're feeling -- bad sex and a low frequency of it.


If it's gotten to the point where he's forcing himself to have sex with you -- and vanilla sex at that -- then it's time to write off your losses and call it a day.


Bottom line: you're too good for him, and he doesn't deserve to have explosive sex with you.

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Cheating is one thing I will not tolorate in a relationship. I have found that cheaters when approached become very defensive. They try and switch things onto you. They say the best defense is a good offense. The fact that he is leaving dirty messages and his truck is in front of her house would make anyone leary. If I had to place a wager. Yes, I would say good chance he is cheating. Does not sound like the person you would want to have a solid relationship with. We all have fallen for jerks at times. And we have all put up with alot of crap in the name of love. He should be at your house and not her house to begin with. The excuse he was trying to see if you were spying on him, is a very lame response. It makes no sense when you think about it. Don't buy into the crap.



Good luck





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I know how you feel, Except I don't think that there might be someone else, Although I wish there was , because then I wouldn't feel like its me. Read my post-My boyfriend hardly wants to have sex anymore.

I always thought that all guys thought about was sex, Boy is this guy proving me wrong, He makes me feel unwanted sexually and when I try and talk to him about it He gets mad. It's so hard to live with someone and sleep in the same bed and not be intimate and when it does happen which is maybe 2 times a month if I'm lucky, It lasts 3 or 4 thrusts and then its over. I don't want to leave him, but I need to feel wanted sexually, I just don't understand. I feel for you, because I know the pain your going thru. I have never experienced this in any other relationship that I've been in.

We live together , have a dog and plan on getting married too. But do you and I want to marry into a non- satisfying relationship???? Thats my dilemma and seems to be yours also. Keep me posted and let me know how your situation works out.

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