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Confused please help!

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Hey guys,


Its has been 2wks since the break up. Going ok i guess. He is not in my life anymore, we r trying to be friends. When I told him I am scared that he will be so comfortable as friends he wont want to get back together, he then says let things happen on its on....


I have not been initiating any calls. He has been calling me and I have tried to keep the conversations short and be the first to end the phone call and say bye.


He is going to be busy and I told him u will forget bout me since u r going to be so busy, and he is like Im not sure about that.


Yesterday he asked me to text and remind him of something and I did and said nite after the text. then he texts back "thanks beebee nite"


Umm...So I have been praying, and being strong. But is there hope? Who Knows right... Just confused and a little lost.

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Ok, I may be missing something hear but you said that he is no longer in your life but it seems you are talking on a regular basis. Have you discussed the possibility of becoming a couple again, or has that ship definitely sailed?


I know that sounds weird. But its like he wants to contact me to keep me around. But it seems like he is not ready to come back or something. When I asked when do you think we will get back, he just said let things happen on its own. So basically i guess its up to him.

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Ok, I may be missing something hear but you said that he is no longer in your life but it seems you are talking on a regular basis. Have you discussed the possibility of becoming a couple again, or has that ship definitely sailed?


I just read what I said, when i meant he is not in my life anymore, i meant he is not with me like a boyfriend. But that text, sounds like he still cares..."thanks beebee nite" not saying baby but saying it in other words.

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My ex told me basically the same thing. She said she had an open mind to us being together again, did not want a relationship with me right now, and really wanted to remain friends. I later found out there was another guy. There had been since she broke up with me and she had hidden it from me the entire time. During the 5 weeks that I was her "friend" I gained absolutely nothing except for a few fun nights out and a ton of pain learning about her new guy in the last few weeks. I'm NC now.


I'm not saying there is another girl in your guy's life, but proceed with caution. This is a pretty classic way for the dumper to ease themselves out of the relationship. By hanging around and being his friend you are making the breakup easier for him and it will be at your expense. Being less available for him than he wants like you have been doing is a good idea.


P.S. I know it is confusing. I've been there too. But actions speak louder than words. Take what he says with a grain of salt

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