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A couple of things that are bugging me...

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I don't know if these things actually mean anything, but they're really bugging me.


- Last night when I was out partying, I bumped into an old friend of mine and the ex's. We talked for a little while, and she was completely shocked by the fact that my ex had DUMPED me. Turns out, my ex have been telling everyone that we mutually ended the relationship. Why would she do that when it's an outright lie? I've heard of people doing it the other way around, but never like this.


- Back when I accidentally met my ex in town about a month ago, I happened to see her wallet (she was carrying it in her hands). And to my surprise, it was still adorned by a cute drawing I made for her long ago (with hearts and everything). I found it so strange that she hadn't removed it; it's not like it was tucked away inside of the wallet, it was right in your face the moment you opened it.


Does anyone understand this?

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I think that you too should say that it was a mutual parting of the ways. That seems like the right thing to do under the circumstances.


Lets think about your options here: If she goes around saying that it was mutual and you say that she dumped you, it just doesn't sound right and makes for a more fueled sense of what happened to the others involved, your social circle.


Lets say for a second that she had indeed another fish hooked and needed to thro you into the stream to see what this new fish looked like, would you want to know the truth, or would you rather be lied to.


If you ever run into the ex again, I would give her a coy little wink and say, your secret is safe. That seems like the right thing to do under the circumstances.


In a way you are stating that you are up to the challenge of her "games," and don't we all enjoy a good game from time to time. Don't we??

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You're probably right. Last night, I was drunk and told our friend that the ex had dumped me and that I hated her. Not very smart, but I don't think she will tell my ex. She even told me that "you're only saying that because you're drunk". And I did say it laughing, so I don't think think there's too much damage.


But what about that drawing? Isn't that a little bit strange? Or is she just keeping it as a memento of sorts? Well, it's probably the latter. I'm answering my own question.

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hahahah so funny!! i love this forum you guys are great. i laugh because im goin thru the same thing. its crazy how much we all relate to eachother its nuts lol.



But what about that drawing? Isn't that a little bit strange? Or is she just keeping it as a memento of sorts? Well, it's probably the latter. I'm answering my own question.


to answer that question i will feel confident knowing i put my ex's picture back in the front of my wallet in perfect sight this week as well as a tiny note he wrote me sayin how much he loves me. i did this b/c im so in love with him & i think it will work out between us 2 & im sooo happy & comfortable knowing how he felt about me and probably still feels about me. when he broke up w/ me it was b/c i smothered him & not b/c he fell out of love w/ me & i realizied the errs in my ways & i saw him a month ago & he still had my chain w/ 2 of my rings on it hangin from his rearview mirror of his favorite car where he always had them. he made sure i saw that they were there too. our exs still love us. and i removed his pic & note from my wallet like 2 weeks into the breakup & i put it back this week b/c it makes me happy. & at any given moment of my day i can open it up & remind myself of the man im in love with. and your ex is probably doing the same thing. dont be surprised if things maybe start looking on the up & up, maybe shell call u soon or drop an email or something. i dont mean to fill u up with hopes but thats how i feel right now & i think it is the same for you.


and as for tellin people it was mutual, i think maybe she isnt ready to face the guilt she may feel for breaking your heart & admitting to people it was her fault for ending it...to say it was mutual downplays some of the guilt.


hope it all works out the way you want it to. good luck.



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We always remember something special about the people that we know. The fact that she keeps that picture that you made in her wallet shows that you are still someone special to her. That is how she remembers you.


That is why I think that you should not speak badly about her. Even when you are drunk, although that is normally how gossip gets started.


Let is go, if it gets back to you, apologize and make up. Who knows, she may return. Maybe the friend was only trying to feel you out so to speak.


I realize that you feel a sense of betrayal and want to even the scores, but bad mouthing someone is only a momentary release, like a lot of other things that we do to make ourselves feel better when we feel out of control.

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