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I'm in training as a peer counselor at my university and the other week we started talking about depression, etc. It kind of got me thinking and the head of our program/therapist at our counseling center advised us to take advantage of the resource available to us and go to the counseling center (and also so when we refer other students we can offer personal experience from going there). Well, I've always kind of considered the possiblity of depression and manic-depression but never actually thought it was true and thought that I was normal and feeling the same things and going through the same things as everyone else. Well when I went to see psychologist there, he said he thought I was bipolar and scheduled me an appointment with a psychiatrist for (1) a second opinion and (2) possible medication/treatment planning... this freaked me out. In other people, I don't see it as a real handicap or anything. I commend them for what they have to deal with, etc. But in me... I really do see it as a flaw. I don't want to think there's something wrong with me that I can't control. I start thinking things like that I'm overreacting or maybe I should tone down what I tell the psychiatrist. The term "bipolar" has always really bothered me though. To me, it has negative connotations... I prefer manic-depressive even. I dunno why... does anyone else think bipolar has bad connotations? I really do want to talk about it too, but I don't want to talk to some of my closest friends about it... I feel like they wouldn't understand? I also really want to take comfort in consolation by one of my best guy friends (one that I actually like as more than a friend, and he likes me too, but that's a whole 'nother story--one sentence explaination: we can't date now bec he's hung up on ex), but I'm scared that he'll see it as a flaw and not like me anymore. I also don't want to be a burden to friends. That's probably one of my biggest concerns... also, not too thrilled about the prospect of discussing this with my parents... for the same reasons. I dunno what to think. I just don't want to have bipolar disorder and my psychologist really seems to think I have it and need to be medicated...

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Funny you should bring this up-my fiance was just diagnosed as bipolar last week, due to depression he's been experiencing and some other medical issues. Now keep in mind that "bipolar disorder" is the current "popular" diagnosis-10 years ago it was schitzophrenia, and 100 years ago you were just plain crazy!


Bipolar disorder doesn't necessarily have the negative connotations you're most likely thinking of-the extremes in mood changes, the lack of balance emotionally, etc. Yes, that's possible in extreme cases, but not always. I'll give you the example of my fiance, since the doc said this was a "classic" symptom of bipolar. My guy is getting seizures right now (no, that's not part of the bipolar disorder!), and no one's quite sure why. So this leads to depression, because when he has a seizure he can't function well for the rest of the day and so is out of work. Which leads to depression at the fact that he's missing work/not getting paid/putting more burden on me financially. But then he'll have a complete swing in the other direction for whatever reason, feel like he's on top of the world and the first thing he wants to do is go shopping. Weird, huh? But the psychiatrist said this is completely normal.


Chemical imbalance could also contribute, such as a lowered level of serotonin in the brain, which affects sexual libido and contributes to depression and such.


My point being, don't be too quick to assume that you have bipolar disorder, because again, doctors tend to slap on labels of a condition instead of delving a little deeper and having several sessions with a person to really dig at what's going on, and bipolar disorder seems to be what EVERYONE gets right now when experiencing depression or mood swings. And even if you are, it's not a bad thing and can certainly be treated with meds. Granted, most people don't like being dependent on a drug to level them out, but the alternative is usually a long depression, and I'd rather take the meds than go through life not wanting to even get out of bed every day!



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OK whats the deal here?? i JUST read an article in a magazing like 2 weeks ago how doctors are diagnosing people w/ BiPolar like never before!! ill look for the article & give u guys the link as soon as i find it! there are different Kinds of BiPolar & different levels. my good friend was just diagnosed w/ seasonal BiPolar. she just got out of the mental institution in a local NYC hospital. her mood & emotions change with the seasons dramatically. Fall/Winter shes good, focused, great person. Spring she has sex w/ random people & gets into drugs she got raped twice in her life the 2nd time being last spring. she is extremely depressed & contimplated suicide a bunch of times & physically threatened our mutual best friend. she was released 2 weeks ago & is staying w/ family. ill try to find some more info for you guys. but like i said doctors are diagnosing people left & right w/ BiPolar when they dont have it!! so be careful get a lot of different opinions & like i said when i find the article ill link you all.



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