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Positive stories of getting backing together


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I agree with everything MrSoAndSo and doiiiieeezie have said. I will also add something else: you wrote the following

You know I think the major problem came when she just started calling me everyday. We used to not be in contact every day - maybe every 2/3 days. I just think that was a contributing factor which helped kill my feelings.


She didn't call me for 3/4 days about 3 weeks ago before we were due to go to my Dad's for a weekend and I feel that was somehow better as it created a bit more tension/longing on my part. In essence she just made it too easy for me especially the last few weeks as we were seeing each other a lot.


She did say to me when we spoke last "Do you think we were seeing too much of each other?". I responded by saying "possibly". I think now I should have said "yes".


How would you fare in a marriage? Marriage, or even living together is about seeing the person day in and day out..if your love and attraction to the person can fade simply because you see that person too often then I would say that there wasn't much depth to your feelings..your feelings were only there as long as things were sexually exciting..the minute familiarity reduced those sexual feelings you were out of there. I definitely think you need to re-evalute your notion of relationships because no matter who you are with, over time you won't want to have sex with them 24/7. Lust is not the same as love.

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Well all I can summise is that I don't want her out of my life right now and I'm fighting so hard to make this work.


She does know the problem as I've explained it to her but she said that she's going to put it out of her mind.


I don't want to put a timescale on things but I so desperately want my feelings to come back. I must find an answer its just not fair - she's such a great great girl. This isn't right.


I'm working hard on this but I have to just relax and see how things go. My feelings may just return and for this girl I sincerely feel its worth it.


How can I feel such loss and cry constantly if I feel nothing? I must must remain optimistic.

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