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I have four weeks

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I was recently in a short relationship that ended with me being really hurt. I have finally got over this relationship and i have decided that i want to find another girl. The only problem is that i want to find that girl before summer vacation comes(4 weeks). The reason for this is that my summer break will probably be really boring without a girlfriend. I will still hang out with my friends but i want someone more then just a friend to hang out with. There is this girl that i began to like. I have a feeling that she likes me. It started when i had to a service project with her. We kept on flirting with eachother the whole time. The next time i saw her she gave me the biggest smile(it was different than her usual smile). The only problem now is that i hardly see her because i don't have any classes with her. I rarely see her in the hallway. I don't want to call her because i don't know her that well yet. i really want to make a move by 4 weeks or else i wont see her the whole summer.


Do you think that she might like me?


How can i get to know her better?

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Putting a relationship on a strict timetable is the kiss of death. You cannot force someone to have feelings so they fit into your schedule. And rushing things along just so that she's "yours" before summer break will make it unnatural and doomed to fail.


Don't focus your time on finding someone by summer break. Focus time on finding the right person regardless of how long it takes.


Trust me, you will be WAY better off and a lot more happy with the results.



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Well, I know you said you aren't comfortable calling her, but I think you should. It sounds like that is your only chance unless you have mutual friends who can hook you up by getting you in the same place she is.


I've had a couple of my now ex boyfriends just call me. I have to tell you, I thought it was nice. Mostly because I was thinking the same thing about whether or not I had a chance with them.


I guess I live by the words "what have you got to lose.", so if it were me I would just call. If that's not you, try the mutual friends thing, or make it a point to be somewhere you know she will be.


Good Luck!

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call her ass up, dont be a wuss about it, tell her that you hardly see her at school any more you want to hang out. she'll bug out with joy when she sees that you noticed her that much when you were in the same class, find out if she busy on the weekend and see if she wants to go to museum(good place to go if she not an idiot and can respect the fact that you have a brain, there quiet so you can talk and nobody is going to interrupt you at a museum and if the conversation get stale find an interesting piece of art to talk about, there is plenty of it there) on saturday in the after noon. that way if all goes well you can carry it right over into the evening where it can turn into a date before she can even realize that it happened. if it goes bad you still have to to meet up with yoru friends that night and go look for another girl.

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