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Moving to London!

Get over him..

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Just broke up with my bf and decided to move to London. Has anyone got any advice?

How fantastic is it really?




My first piece of advice would be to think it through. The energy that breakup pain causes can be a good motivator for sure, but good judgment doesn't always accompany it. Make sure this is really what you want to do, and not a romantic adventure that won't seem quite so romantic when you're stuck in a grotty flat on the outskirts somewhere looking out onto the dumpsters.


That cheerful note aside if you really want to do it, bear in mind two things (1) It's very expensive, and (2) You'll almost certainly need to live a reasonable distance out in order to be able to afford somewhere (depending on what living arrangement you're after), so factor the transport time/cost/hassle into the equation. Both of those mean that you'll need to get a reasonable paying job, or have some other source of income.


London can be a fanstastic place to visit. To live it's a bit more stressful, but if you can cope with the cost, the time, the crowds and the whole big city thing, then it can be a tremendously exciting place to be. You never have to feel bored in London, and there's an opportunity to do almost anything if you look hard enough.

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I say go for it. I am assuming you'll be renting so it's not a decision that can't be undone if you decide it's not for you.


My sister broke up from her boyfriend and moved into a house share in Camden Town. It's perfect for her, she loves going to gigs and there's always something on.


You can get pretty much anywhere on the underground, it's a totally different way of life. You won't need a car, so the cost of travel pretty much evens itself out.


Agreed, it's definitely more expensive, I have sometimes paid double the normal price for a meal out. And she pays an extra £200 than I would have expected for the room she rents. But then, jobs in London pay more. So it's swings and roundabouts

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I lived in London for a year as a university exchange student and LOVED it! There's so much to do and see. Even if you don't have a lot of money (I was broke when I was there) there are lots of great things you can do for free. I was lucky in that the university dorm was right downtown, so I could get around easily, and save money (and often time) by riding a bicycle.

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Do you live in the UK already, or are you moving from another country? Are you in a small city now?

I lived there for 9 years and I'm planning to go back soon.

It is a very exciting place, so much to do, things to suit all styles but above all the progressive mind. As people said it's very expensive but it depends on your job. The pace of life is very fast and people are more alienated, as it happens in all capitals. How do you feel about cultural diversity? How old are you? What makes you wanna move there?

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Do you live in the UK already, or are you moving from another country? Are you in a small city now?

I lived there for 9 years and I'm planning to go back soon.

It is a very exciting place, so much to do, things to suit all styles but above all the progressive mind. As people said it's very expensive but it depends on your job. The pace of life is very fast and people are more alienated, as it happens in all capitals. How do you feel about cultural diversity? How old are you? What makes you wanna move there?


I live in the UK already. I have always wanted to move there (I work in a bank and its a great place to further your career) also just broke up with my bf so took the chance. He was really bad with money and his job is poorly paid! Moving on Sunday and am so excited about starting my new life down there. I am 22!

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i'm sure you do - remember, it can be any job. even a bar job, (but you may need 2 to pay the rent) or working as a au pair, anything!


It's not that easy any more. To come from the US and legally work in the UK you need a work permit, and to get one of those you must be sponsored by an approved company. The days when you could turn up, get a bar job and stay indefinitely (legally) are long gone I'm afraid.

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I'll be visiting London next year for a few days. I don't know when but I'll let you know when I come by. I'll take my accordeon with me and we'll stalk people on the streets, begging for easy money. And with that money we'll go to Starbucks ! Because I only have one goddam Starbucks in my whole country and the last one I drank was like ... a year ago ? o_O

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