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Shy girl who's too beautiful (abridged), do I have a chance?


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She is one of these truly gorgeous girls who attracts the attention of every guy in a room each time she enters, though she quite perceptibly does not like this attention, dressing very modestly, and showing practically all "10 signs of disinterest" whenever engaged in a conversation with a guy, consequently showing up late to class and leaving early to avoid confrontation with guys, as guys are constantly approaching her whenever she stays late or shows up early. I feel sorry for her, as her looks draw her so much attention – mine included – that she seemingly wants to avoid.


She seemed interested, however, when I approached her (twice). My chemistry teacher had told me "out of the blue" that this girl was interested in robotics, and consequently, I did not approach her about how good she looked (like every other guy), but instead approached her about robotics, which started a very small conversation about robotics and some of our other interests. Since then, we conveniently seem to run into one another routinely, yet she never approaches me and I'm always too shy to approach her (we don't even say hi, sadly enough). While she does quite the opposite of avoiding me, she seems not to "notice" me, although I've seen her on several occasions looking at me through the corner of her eye from behind her sunglasses. I'm thinking she doesn't want to say hi because of our second conversation, where once I got her talking, about three other guys seized the opportunity to converse with her, leaving me out and her in the spotlight, embarrassing both of us. I'm thinking she may just not be ready to let people know that she's interested in someone, and if that's the case I don't want to approach her and make her vulnerable (like our second conversation), but then again, what do I know? We've made eye contact before, and one time in particularly I got the butterflies and everything as we both blushed after our eyes caught one another both initially and during the "second glance", yet that happened only once and other than that, when in a crowd, it's as if I don't even exist to her.


Ultimately, I would like to know if anyone thinks she likes me or if I even have a chance. The thing is, though, I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship yet, partly because I'm friends with several girls and they all know that I'm not one to be involved in any relationships, so I don't want to hurt them by suddenly getting involved in one, and I don't have much free time (an understatement). I'm looking more for a "friendship plus," where we're basically just friends, though there's something more throughout. She seems to respect me in that I respect her for who she is, not how she looks, but how do I turn respect into a friendship, or should I, even? I'm afraid of asking her out, for I feel I'll be rejected along with all the other guys who try asking her out, despite the fact she might possibly like me. I do see a good opportunity brewing, though, as finals approach and we have the same chemistry teacher, but I wouldn't have any idea how to go about proposing we study together. Any advice there?


Thank you all very much in advance! I especially want to thank lil_mamarains13 and curiousgeorge916 for their wonderful responses to my previous post.

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Well, if you're not ready for a relationship yet, then don't be so concerned about whether she likes you and what the other guys think. Treat her just like she's the same as anybody else, and try not to notice how she is phyically. Treat her just like you would any other friend, and try to let her know too that you're not chasing after her.


You have a true common interest apparntly, so focus on that. Try to just ignore the other guys, if you do, and they approach her, then perhaps she'll just give them a passing or dismisive remark and they'll get the message. If you can, instead of standing talking to her, either sit or walk so it's not as easy for anybody else to position themselves between the two of you. If somebody else does come along, even if you don't know what to say or do, try to wait it out. Eventually they'll realize it's you she's friendly with.

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