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My husband has been going on-line at night (while I am at work) and has been chatting with a couple of females that live in our city.At first he lied about it until I pulled up all the messages & showed him I had found out.He states that they were just having fun chatting, but were planning on meeting for sex...help.I am so hurt.By the way these women did not know he was married & had kids.

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Wow, a lot happened in a short time. Have you guys been getting along? What gave you the impluse to search through his chats. You must have been looking for something.


It appears he is ready to do the unthinkable, so quick action is really important. Tell him how hurt you are, and ask him directly what has caused him to want to do this.....next stop see someone that is able to work with couples.....sorry good luck.

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It's not that I'm checking on him...I never had a reason to believe he would cheat.We live our lives around our kids and really haven't had major problems(besides the normal squabble every now and then).The reason I checked on him in the first place was because he wasn't answering the phone at night anymore.Thanks for your comments.

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If he's not answering the phone at night like he usually does, then I can see why you're worried. He has no reason to not pick up the phone! I think that the previous poster has a good point, perhaps, you guys need to seek out what the problem is, and go through couple therapy. Because, if he's too busy phoning or chatting with someone else, I see that as a major problem. I don't know, some people might think that chatting online is innocent flirting, but when you mentioned about him meeting up with the 'other' person for sex, that's just wrong! He's taking action for it, so that's enough to say that his 'innocent' chatting has gone waay further than that! I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. It really upsets me to see this happen to married couples, but I do hope that you guys find a way to resolve things.


Take Care,


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  • 2 weeks later...



Sorry for your pain, and shame on your husband. I would be very concerned. And maybe even lining up a good divorce attorney. It is just plain wrong, and a real insult to you. Trust and cheating is a really big thing with me. Cheating is the only thing I can not tolorate in a relationship. I can work almost anything out. But cheating I can't. I hope you have stopped it. But now you will have to deal with the trust issue forever.



Good Luck, you don't need this stuff in your live, no one does.





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