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Online dating question.


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This is mainly for the ladies. For those that dabble in online dating - when you've been talking to a guy/guys for a little while (mails back and forth) do you ever give them your number/ask them for theirs? Or do you wait for them to ask first? It just seems like some guys, eventhough they seem really interested will talk online for ages and never even ask for a number to get to the next stage. What's up with that?

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I just usually send a message that says something like "If you'd be up to it, I'd like to meet up in person and see if we have any chemistry. Want to meet for coffee?"


Don't spend too long emailing and/or talking on the phone. You will just get yourself in deeper before you even know if you will be attracted to the guy when you meet. The longer you're on the phone with them, the more guilty you will feel if you aren't interested. So don't drag it out. A few back and forths and then meet in a public place. You will probably have to give him your number at some point if you are meeting so he can call you if something comes up. I think that's ok. Just be careful and have fun! Best of luck to you in finding your Mr. Right.

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I never asked for a phone number or provided mine. Frankly, I hate talking on the phone, and it's kind of creepy to me for a guy to have my number before I barely know him. Who knows if he will end up being a creepy stalker if we go on one date and there's nothing there?


If a guy didn't ask me out for a real date within 4 or 5 days, he was a goner. I wasn't looking for an online chat buddy.

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I would want to speak to someone on the phone before investing in a meeting--it can give you enough information to decide. Consider offering your cell number, but never your home line. If he calls, there you are, and if not, you can stop with the text and emails and spare yourself wasted time.


In your corner.

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