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Hello All,


Well, after like a month.. the X wrote.


One of her old friends was in town, he came over for dinner this past week.


It was a bit upsetting to begin with, but, was great to catch up with him afterwards. We became good friends before I wound up going out with her.


Anyways, I gave him some of her mail thats been piling up at my house, and somehow a book on budhism I'm reading found its way via him to her house (We had a bit to much to drink, I may have offfered it).


So the X writes me, saying thanks allot for the mail, thanks for the book.. and to have a good time at a yoga conference I am currently at.


What do you all think?


I wrote her back yesterday, 3 days after she wrote me. I came to the Yoga conference to meet some new friends etc, but wasn't really in the mood to meet anyone. I have just relaxed, spent a pile of money shopping - tomorrow I fly home (we live in the same small town)


Most of the upset with what she did to me is gone, and I have seen many beautifull women here this weekend I would love to be in a relationship with.


Any advice? I like being single now, but miss the companionship and intimacy a relationship offers. I don't know whether I would like to pursue the X.. or what?




I heard a really neat line this past weekend...


Every beat of your heart is a gift.. treasure each one!



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Not sure how to answer you. You confused the heck out of me. If your asking all of us whether to pursue your EX, I really can't tell you. As for the other woman you met, I really can't tell you that either..


Not much help am I?? If you are over your EX, and I don't know the reasons for your breakup, then why go back? That is the question you have to pose to yourself. Weigh the pro's and con's of each and I am sure you will come to a conclusion.

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